This project is a technical assessment for a frontend developer position.
It is a reproduction of the page.
The following features are implemented:
- Filtering form, ordering, search bar and pagination
- in-URL state management
- Responsive design
Additional features:
- Filter by fees type (Yearly, Full tuition,...)
Everyhing on the page is clickable and functional.
- Clone the repository if not done yet
git clone
- Install Pocketbase for the database.
Go on Pocketbase and download the archive depending on your OS.
- Extract the archive in the following directory in the project:
Note: You should have the following content in this directory:
src/database/ ├── pb_data ├── pb_migrations ├── pocketbase.exe (or `pocketbase` on Linux) ├── client.ts ├── └──
- Install the dependencies in the project's root directory:
yarn install
Everything is now set up to run the project.
To run the project, run the following command in the root directory:
yarn run-all
Note: You should have the following output:
yarn run v1.22.19 $ npm-run-all --parallel db:start dev $ ./src/database/pocketbase serve $ next dev XXXX/XX/XX XX:XX:XX Server started at ├── REST API: └── Admin UI: - Next.js 14.0.0 - Local: http://localhost:3000 Ready in XX.XXs.
The project will be available at [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details