
🚀 Jump-start your Django projects with this template! Providing seamless JWT authentication, CRUD operations, and more - all built on Django Ninja. 🥷

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Ninja CRUD Template


This is a Django project template that provides a seamless implementation of django-ninja, django-ninja-jwt, and django-ninja-crud. It's crafted to jump-start your Django project, ensuring a solid and efficient foundation with JWT authentication, CRUD operations, and more, all built on the powerful Django Ninja framework.


  • 🛡️ JWT Authentication (using django-ninja-jwt): Securely manage user authentication with JSON Web Tokens.
  • 📝 CRUD Operations (using django-ninja-crud): Easily perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations.
  • 🗑️ Soft Delete: Safely delete objects without losing the data, allowing for recovery.
  • 🕰️ Simple History: Keep track of changes to models with historical records.
  • 🏷️ Metadata Fields: Automatically manage metadata fields like created_at, updated_at, created_by, updated_by, and deleted_at.
  • 🥋 Built on Django Ninja (django-ninja): Enjoy the simplicity and speed of building APIs with Django Ninja.

Repository Structure

├── backend/              # Backend codebase
│   ├── api/              # API app containing the main functionality
│   │   ├── models/       # --> Contains the database model definitions
│   │   ├── schemas/      # --> Houses the Pydantic schemas for API serialization
│   │   ├── services/     # --> Contains business logic separate from models and views
│   │   ├── utils/        # --> Utility functions and classes
│   │   ├── views/        # --> View functions and handlers for API requests
│   │   └── api.py        # --> Main file for API route definitions
│   ├── manage.py         # --> Django management script
│   └── yourproject/      # Main project configuration
│       ├── settings.py   # --> Project settings and configuration
│       ├── urls.py       # --> URL configuration for the project
│       └── wsgi.py       # --> WSGI configuration for deployment
├── frontend/             # Frontend codebase (if applicable)