
Share what you did in 2021!

Getting Started - Easy

  • Fork this repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
  • Navigate to CONTRIBUTORS.md
  • Edit the file and insert your name with a link to your Github profile following the instructions below, then click on Commit Changes.
  • Navigate to the profiles directory
  • Click Create new file and create a new profile Your_Full_Name.md, and commit your changes.
  • Add any piece of code (we recommand you add a code to print 'Hello, World!' in any language in Hello World folder).
  • And if you cannot find your language simply add a new folder for example kotlin in the Hello World
  • Create a new pull request from your forked repository (Click the New Pull Request button located at the top of your repo)
  • Wait for your PR review and merge approval!
  • Star this repository if you had fun!

Choose from these tasks

1. Add your name

Add your name to the CONTRIBUTORS.md file using the below convention:

#### Name: [GitHib username](GitHub profile link)

2. Add a profile page

Add a Your_Full_Name.md file to the profiles directory. Use any combination of content and Markdown you'd like. Here is an example:

# Your Full Name

### Location

Your City/Country

### Academics

Your School

### Interests

- Some Things You Like
- Something Else

### Development

- web developper for example
- game dev as another example

### Profile Link

[GitHib username](GitHub profile link)

3. Add a profile readMe:

Add a Your_Full_Name.md file to the profiles directory. Use any combination of content and Markdown you'd like. Here is an empty example:

<img align="center" src="https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=username&show_icons=true&theme=dracula&line_height=27" alt="Username's github stats"/>

Here's a full working example:

Oussama's github stats

Read the Github stats docs to find out how to customize your card!

Up for more PRs? Check this quick list for more interesting ressources (first timers friendly):

  • First Timers Only Friendly Open Source projects on the go!
  • FreeCodeCamp Open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code for free together with millions of people.