A repository for CS348-Intro to AI (2021) homework.
This repository contains:
- Lab0 - Implemention of a simple sorting algorithm in python.
- Lab1 - Implemention of an uninformed search methods (DF and BF search).
- Lab2 - Implemention of a greedy hill climbing search algorithm to solve the 10-queens problem.
- Lab3 - Implemention of an A* search algorithm to find the way through a maze.
- Lab4 - Implemention of a TIC-TAC-TOE solver capable to predict the result of a specific game when a board is provided, using min-max algorithm.
- Lab5 - Implemention of a sudoku solver capable using constraint satisfaction algorithm.
- Lab6 - Implemention of a path planning algorithm.
- Lab7 - Implemention of a set of shape detection algorithms.
- Lab8 - Implemention of a classification algorithm using perceptron.