
An electron / web app boiler plate with hot reload and packaging support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An electron / web app boiler plate with hot reload and packaging support


1.Has Live reload

2.Packaging for Windows and Mac

3.React/Redux ready


  1. npm install

  2. npm start

npm scripts:

"build": "runs the app in electron after webpack bundling",
"build-web": "runs the app in browser after webpack bundling",
"start": "runs the app in dev mode and in electron with hot reload using localhost:8080 of webpack-dev-server",
"start-web": "runs the app in dev mode and in browser with hot reload",
"package-win": "bundles app in production mode and builds win app with all code bundled",
"package-darwin": "bundles app in production mode and builds mac app with all code bundled"
