
Windower 4 addon for FFXI to automate your character in battle.

Primary LanguageC



Trust is a Windower 4 addon for FFXI that turns your character into a Trust. It works for all jobs and can attack, nuke, pull, skillchain and more.


Get help or request a feature in the Cyrite Game Studios Discord. Do NOT ask questions about Trust in game.


You will need the latest version of Trust in order to use Trust. You will need to update both the addons and cylibs repo when you pull new changes, as addons is powered by cylibs and will not work properly if the versions don't match.

  1. Git clone or download Trust from Github.
  2. Copy the addons folder into your Windower folder so that you are pasting the new addons folder on top of your existing addons folder. Note that this will not override your entire existing addons folder, only addons related to Trust.
  3. Double check that the Windower/addons/Trust folder exists.
  4. Double check that the Windower/addons/libs/cylibs folder exists.
  5. Run // lua r trust and you're ready to get started!


To update Trust, either do a git pull --rebase or follow the steps above again.


  1. Override job settings to customize what your trust does.


Trust also requires the following libraries and addons:

  • Shortcuts
  • Gearswap (vanilla or Selendrile)


Trusts uses Modes inspired by GearSwap to control Trust behavior. For example, AutoPullMode controls whether the Trust should pull mobs:

state.AutoPullMode = M{['description'] = 'Auto Pull Mode', 'Off', 'Auto'}

When set to Auto, the Trust will automatically start pulling mobs specified in the battle_targets list in settings.xml.

To cycle between Modes:

// trust cycle AutoPullMode

To set the value of a Mode directly:

// trust set AutoPullMode Auto

There are over a dozen configurable Modes. To see the full list of Modes available on your current job:

// trust status


Settings determine the behavior of a Trust and can be configured in two different ways:

Job Settings

These settings are job-specific settings and can be found in the Trust/data folder (e.g. RDM.lua, PUP.lua, WAR.lua). These files specify behavior for their respective jobs. For example, settings in RDM.lua have two lists, SelfBuffs and PartyBuffs. Changing the values in these lists will change what buffs the RDM Trust applies to itself and its party.

Below are some examples of job-specific settings that can be configured:

Syntax Example Description
Spell.new(spell_name, job_abilities, job_names) Spell.new('Refresh', L{'Composure'}, L{'BLU', 'WHM'}) Casts a spell. Optionally uses a job ability before casting the spell. Optionally limits to specific jobs.
Buff.new(buff_name, job_abilities, job_names) Buff.new('Refresh', L{}, L{'DRK','PUP','PLD'}) Same as Spell, but automatically determines the highest tier version of the buff the Trust is able to cast.

Click on the wiki doc in your local file browser for a more detailed description of spells and buffs.

You can customize these settings by forking off of the default settings using the following command:

// trust create JOB_NAME_SHORT, e.g. // trust create RDM. This will create a copy of the default settings file with the format JOB_NAME_SHORT_character_name.lua, e.g. RDM_Avesta.lua. Job settings will now reference this file instead while you are on that character.

Mode Settings

These settings are Mode-specific settings and can be found in the Trust/data/modes folder. You can use these to store values of Modes (e.g. AutoBuffMode, AutoPullMode, etc.) so you don't have to reset them every time you reload the Trust addon. Default configurations are provided for each job and will automatically load when loading the addon.

You can customize the default modes for a job by forking off of the default configuration:

Change your settings using the modes commands and type // trust save. This will create a new copy of the modes configuration file with the format JOB_NAME_SHORT_character_name.lua, e.g. RDM_Avesta.lua. Modes configuration will now reference this file instead while you are on that character. To save a new configuration instead of overriding the default configuration for the job, type // trust save mode_name, e.g. // trust save Dynamis.

You can cycle through all Mode settings for a job using // trust cycle TrustMode.

Command List


Command Action
// trust start Enables Trust.
// trust stop Disables Trust. The Trust will stop performing actions.
// trust reload Reloads the addon and resets all loaded settings to the default.
// trust assist party_member_name Assists the specified party member, e.g. // trust assist Wapiti.


Command Action
// trust cycle mode_name Cycles through possible values for a Mode, e.g. // trust cycle AutoManeuverMode
// trust set mode_name mode_value Sets a Mode to a specific value, e.g. // trust set AutoManeuverMode Auto.
// trust status Outputs a list of current Modes and their values.


Command Action
// trust save mode_name Saves a configuration of Modes values for the current job. If mode_name is specified, creates a new configuration. Otherwise, overrides the default configuration.
// trust create job_name_short Creates a copy of the default job settings for the current character, e.g. // trust create RDM.
// trust cycle TrustMode Cycles through all trust modes created with // trust save mode_name


Debugging commands Action
// trust debug Will display a list of actions in the queue as well as basic debug info.


Modes control the behavior of the Trust. This is not an exhaustive list of Modes, however here are some of the important ones and what they do.

Mode Values Description
AutoPullMode Off, Auto, Multi Pulls mobs using the job's default pulling ability or spell. Battle targets are specified in settings.xml. If Multi, will use SmartTarget logic and prioritize pulling different mobs than your party members.
AutoBuffMode Off, Auto Applies the buffs in the job settings file.
AutoSongMode Off, Auto, Dummy Sings the songs specified in the job settings file. Auto will sing dummy songs as needed. Dummy will only sing dummy songs.
AutoDebuffMode Off, Auto Applies the debuffs in the job settings file.
AutoSilenceMode Off, Auto Automatically casts silence when a mob finishes casting a spell.
AutoHealMode Off, Auto, Emergency Heals party members. If Emergency, only heals below 25% HP.
AutoRaiseMode Off, Auto Automatically raises a party member when they are KO'ed.
AutoEngageMode Off, Always, Assist If Always, engages the party's current target. If Assist, locks onto the target but does not engage.
CombatMode Off, Melee, Ranged If Melee, will maintain a 3 yalm distance from the target. If Ranged, will maintain a 21 yalm distance from the target.
AutoFollowMode Off, Always Automatically follows the assist target after the current target dies.
AutoManeuverMode Off, Auto Automatically applies maneuvers specified in the job settings file.
AutoFoodMode Off, Auto Automatically uses the food specified by AutoFood in the job settings file.
AutoTrustsMode Off, Auto Automatically summons trusts when not in combat.
AutoAssaultMode Off, Auto Automatically deploys, assaults, or fights your pet on the battle target.
AutoPetMode Off, Auto Automatically summons an automaton or familiar.
AutoAvatarMode Off, Ifrit, Shiva, etc. Automatically summons an avatar.
AutoRollMode Off, Manual, Auto Automatically uses Phantom Roll. If Manual, the player must initiate the roll. If Auto, rolls in the job settings file will be initiated automatically.
AutoSkillchainMode Off, Auto, Cleave, Spam Automatically performs skillchains. If Cleave, will spam AOE weaopn skills. If Spam, will spam a single weapon skill instead of making skillchains.
SkillchainPriorityMode Off, Prefer, Strict If Prefer, will perform weapon skills specified in preferws in the job settings file when possible. If Strict, will only perform those weapon skills.
AutoMagicBurstMode Off, Auto If Auto, will attempt to magic burst skillchains.

To see the full list of Modes availabile on the player's current job, use // trust status.

You can combine these modes to customize Trust behavior. For example, to make your Trust assist a player named Jerry and automatically engage and approach the mob:

  • // trust assist Jerry
  • // trust set AutoEngageMode Always
  • // trust set CombatMode Melee

Remote Commands

You can execute commands remotely on a player using Trust. This allows you to do things like add yourself to the player's party, even if they are AFK.


For safety reasons, you must be in a player's remote command whitelist in order to execute remote commands on their player. Additionally, there is a strict list of commands that are able to be executed.

Remote Command List

To send a remote command, send the player a tell with one of the following commands.

Command Action
Any Trust command E.g. trust start, trust stop.
/pcmd add player_name Adds a player to the party, e.g. /pcmd add Jerry.
/pcmd remove player_name Removes a player from the party, e.g. /pcmd remove Jerry.
/warp Warps (requires Gearswap warp ring/cudgel shortcut).
/refa, /refa all Dismisses a player's trusts.

You can combine these commands to control another player's actions using Trust. For example, if you wanted to join a party, you would do:

  • /t Ashylarry trust stop
  • /t Ashylarry /refa all
  • /t Ashylarry /pcmd add Jerry (requires autojoin)
  • /t Ashylarry trust start
