
A Godot port of Dicebag by 8bitskull, originally in Lua for Defold. An addon containing probability functions designed specifically for games.

Primary LanguageGDScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A Godot port of Dicebag by 8bitskull, originally in Lua for Defold.

Dicebag is an addon of probability functions designed specifically for games. Inspired by this excellent blog post: https://www.redblobgames.com/articles/probability/damage-rolls.html

Other ports

dicebag-csharp by Efmi
Godot 4 port by Cablefish1


You can add Dicebag to your own projects using the built-in Asset Library. Once it is added to your project, you need to add an instance of Dicebag to the script you wish to use it in, before the _ready() function:

onready var dicebag = Dicebag.new()

func _ready():

Then you can use Dicebag functions, for example:

var coin = dicebag.flip_coin()



Sets up the random seed and clears the first number of random rolls.


  • seed (int) - optional seed, if not specified a seed will be generated using OS.get_unix_time().


  • seed (int) - the number used to seed the random function.


Flip a coin.


  • result (bool) - true or false (50% chance).

dicebag.roll_dice(num_dice, num_sides, modifier)

Roll a number of dice, D&D-style. An example would be rolling 3d6+2. Returns the sum of the resulting roll.


  • num_dice (int) - Number of dice to roll.

  • num_sides (int) - Number of sides on the dice.

  • modifier (int) - Number to add to the result.


  • result (int) - Sum of rolled dice plus modifier.

dicebag.roll_special_dice(num_sides, advantage, num_dice, num_results)

Roll a number of dice and choose one (or more) of the highest (advantage) or lowest (disadvantage) results. Returns the sum of the relevant dice rolls.


  • num_sides (int) - Number of sides on the dice.

  • advantage (bool) - If true, the highest rolls will be selected, otherwise the lowest values will be selected.

  • num_dice (int) - Number of dice to roll.

  • num_results (int) - How many of the highest (advantage) or lowest (disadvantage) dice to sum up.


  • result (int) - Sum of the highest (advantage) or lowest (disadvantage) dice rolls.


Roll a custom die. This die can have sides with different weights and different values.


  • sides (Array) - A table describing the sides of the die in the format [[weight1, value1], [weight2, value2] ...]. Note that the value can be any type, not just int.


  • value (Variant) - The value as specified in Array sides.

dicebag.bag_create(id, num_success, num_fail, reset_on_success)

Create a marble bag of green (success) and red (fails) 'marbles'. This allows you to, for example, make an unlikely event more and more likely the more fails are accumulated.


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the marble bag.

  • num_success (int) - The number of success marbles in the bag.

  • num_fails (int) - The number of fails marbles in the bag.

  • reset_on_success (bool) - Whether or not the bag should reset when a successful result is drawn. If false or nil the bag will reset when all marbles have been drawn.


Draw a marble from a previously created bag.


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the marble bag.


  • result (bool)


Manually reset a marble bag. Will also be called when a marble bag is empty, or a success is drawn in a bag where reset_on_success is true.


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the marble bag.

dicebag.table_create(id, rollable_table)

Create a rollable table. This is similar to a marble bag, except each entry can have a different weight, and can return any value (not just a bool).


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the rollable table.

  • rollable_table (Array) - A table of weights, values and reset flags.

Array rollable_table has the format: [[weight1, value1, {reset_on_roll1}], [weight2, value2, {reset_on_roll2}], ...] where the parameters are:

  • weight (int) - The relative probability of drawing the value.

  • value (Variant) - The value to be returned if drawn.

  • reset_on_roll (bool; optional) - Whether or not the table should be reset when this value is drawn. If all of these are false, the table will reset when all values have been drawn.


Draw a random value from the rollable table created in dicebag.table_create. The value will be removed from the table. If reset_on_roll is true, the table will reset. Otherwise, the table will reset when all values are drawn.


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the rollable table.


  • value (Variant) - The value specified in dicebag.table_create.


Manually reset a rollable table. Will also be called when the rollable table is empty, or a drawn value where reset_on_roll is true.


  • id (String, int) - A unique identifier for the rollable table.