
Portfolio website created in React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Portfolio, Multiple pages


• Multi-Page Layout

• Modern Design

• React-Icons

• Illustrations

How to use

① fork the repository and clone locally

② run npm install to install dependencies

③ once installation is complete, run npm run start to get your local copy running in the browser.

Template instructions

① Replace the Images

• In public folder there are two folders for images. Replace those images with yours and if your image have different name then you need to change the src of img tag in particular component

② edit App.css

• In App.css follow the instructions for color theme and font family

③ Replace Informations

• In all components you need to replace my information with your's.

• Replace Name, About, Skills, Resume, My Works

• Replace my contact information links with your's inside Sidebar component

• If you want to replace Icons then visit: https://react-icons.github.io/react-icons/



After all necessary changes, you can commit and push your changes to your forked repository, and deploy however you like.

All that I ask is please link my profile somewhere in your ReadMe when you deploy, or wherever.

Send me your portfolio link here: gohilyagnik3@gmail.com