
Base template for readme file

MIT LicenseMIT

GitHub language count Repository size GitHub last commit License Made by Yago Faran

Logo Yago Faran

AboutTech StackFeaturesHow it worksAuthorLicense

💻 Project Title

Project description - Deserunt culpa laboris duis fugiat amet. Dolor adipisicing incididunt laborum sunt voluptate sunt aliquip quis. Aliqua Lorem voluptate ut exercitation. Excepteur reprehenderit sit irure irure eu et tempor labore pariatur. Nisi mollit nostrud qui anim velit.

Occaecat tempor commodo aliquip id in eu. Deserunt labore irure velit magna ipsum consequat. Do in veniam eu deserunt laboris. Aute sunt adipisicing veniam elit incididunt ea officia ad nisi non. Commodo excepteur aliqua laborum aliqua cillum non aliquip incididunt. Id aliquip id voluptate nulla fugiat. Deserunt amet sint nulla deserunt labore sit incididunt amet sunt in sint.

🛠 Tech Stack

✨ Features

  • Feature 1:

    • Sub feature 1.1
    • Sub feature 1.2
    • Sub feature 1.3
    • Sub feature 1.4
      • item 1
      • item 2
      • item 3
      • item 4
      • item 5
  • Feature 2:

    • Sub feature 2.1
    • Sub feature 2.2

🚀 How it works

This instructions will allow you to run a functional version of the project on your local machine.

📋 Pre-requisites

Before you begin, you will need to have the following tools installed on your machine: Git, Node.js. In addition, it is good to have an editor to work with the code like VSCode

🔧 Instalation

# Clone this repository
$ git clone git@github.com:yagoinacio/readme-model.git

# Access the project folder cmd/terminal
$ cd project

# install the dependencies
$ npm install

🎲 Running the application

# Run the application in development mode
$ npm run dev:server

# The server will start at port: 3333 - go to http://localhost:3333

You can try out the API using its swagger documentation on http://localhost:3333/swagger-ui/index.html

✅ Running automated tests

# Run automated tests
$ npm run test

# The test automation will run for unit and e2e

🦸 Author

Yago Faran 💧

Github Badge Linkedin Badge Gmail Badge

📝 License

This project is under the license MIT.

Made with ❤️ by Yago Faran 👋🏽 Get in touch!