Drungap is a mobile app developed with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, with the AngularJS framework. It runs natively in any platform thanks to Cordova
This app querys a REST server developed by snooze6 and with an easy ansible installation provided by reloxo95, and displays the elements obtained.
##Instructions ###Requirements You need to have installed nodejs (plus its package manager npm) and cordova to compile and run the app.
To install nodeJS and npm: See the NodeJS documentation
To install cordova: npm install -g cordova
###Run the proyect
Navigate to the download path, open a terminal, and type: cordova run *platform*
Where platform can be any of the possibilities available in cordova.
You need to have installed Android SDK and Java JDK
Then, you need to configure your developement enviroment
You need to run OSX in order to compile for iOS.
Then you need to install XCode
Then, you need to configure your developement enviroment
##Advice If you want to try the app without need to compile you can run the HTML version that is located under /www. For this to work you'll need to run Chrome with and extension for disabling CORS restriction