
hotel reserve app

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project proper workflow for basic fullstack web application in laravel

Initially annoyomous user can have home and some pages like "/" route page login and registation pages. after registration , user can able to login directly and head toward home page or , "/" route

This application features: -User can Register and Login. -Visualiztion of resturant food menu, cheif . -UserAuthentication . -Validation of users . -logout sysytem.

The project is create on Laravel-Sail linux/docker environment

  • performed Crud basics to add, create, show delete update users menu and

  • Admin Dashboard layout

    on Login users able to visit blog pages / menu items also can ask question from Contact form. on Login admin can redirect to admin dashboard

    Admin has full access to redirect any otherpage or, routes including admin-dashboard But, user can't get access to admin-dashboard and also cannot modify perform anyother Crud work.

Thank you