
A React component that automatically fills meta tags including og / twitter with a render props to allow rendering any kind of page.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status dependencies Status devDependencies Status License: MIT

A React component that automatically fills meta tags including og / twitter with a render props to allow you to render any kind of page. You just need to wrap your pages with helmet-hat through the render props and give it your desired helmet tags, and voila!

  • This component will make your code DRY by giving you a simple top-level way to add react-helmet props.
  • The render props will also give you the ability to render any kind of page and if you like you can create a few reusable layouts to use them across your web application.


npm install  helmet-hat


yarn add  helmet-hat


import React from 'react';
import { Helmet } from 'react-helmet';
import HelmetHat from 'helmet-hat';

const myHelmetConfig = {
  base: 'http://example.com', // or {"target": "_blank", "href": "http://mysite.com/"}
  title: 'page title',
  description: 'description text',
  favicon: {
    ico: '/favicon.ico',
    s16: '/favicon-16.png',
  image: '/image.jpg',
  link: [
    { rel: 'link rel', href: 'link href' },
  meta: [
    { name: 'meta name', content: 'meta content' },
  og: {
    title: 'og title',
    image: '/og_image.jpg',
  twitter: {
    title: ' twitter title',
    image: '/twitter_image.jpg',

  url: '/page.url',
  htmlAttributes: {
    lang: 'en'
  script: [
    {"type": "text/javascript", "src": "http://mysite.com/js/test1.js"},
    {"type": "text/javascript", "src": "http://mysite.com/js/test2.js"}
  style: [
    {type: 'text/css', cssText: 'div{ display: block; color: blue;}' }

  const Layout = ({ children }) => (
        <h2>This is the Header</h2>
        <p>All rights reserved to this component!</p>

  const Content = () => (
      <p>Im the Component and all rights are reserved to me</p>
      <p>Do not underestimate me! Im a very powerful Component</p>

const HomePage = (
    render={({ helmetPropsFunc }) => (
        <Helmet {...helmetPropsFunc({ helmetProps: myHelmetConfig })} />
          <Content />

export default HomePage;

Important Notes

  1. react-helmet is required as a peerDependency.

  2. All react-helmet props are optional.

  3. if you provide title, it will be used as default title for the open graph protocol and twitter title meta tags unless you provide them separately (eg: og: {title: 'og specific title'}) .same goes for description, image and url props.

  4. if application-name meta tag is not provided the sitename will be used if the latter is provided.

  5. if canonical link tag is not provided the url will be used if the latter is provided.

  6. quick reminder for twitter

    • Twitter Title Max Length = 70;
    • Twitter Desc Max Length = 200;