Simple Application to search for cars and favorite them
- 2 screens with a tab bar. The first screen is the list of cars. Second screen is a favorite list
- Load Cars List from The Internet.
- Favorites are kept even after application close.
- Responsive and smooth user interface at all times.
- (UI) : Introduce floating bar on the bottom of the favorite list.
- (Networking) Make sure that each and every response of a request ignores locally or remotely cached data.
- (Data handling) Utilize the make parameter of the datasource of the car list screen.
- (Data handling) Introduce a sorting feature.
- (Data handling) Introduce a validation feature
- (Multithreading) Show the first image of each vehicle.
- (Multithreading) Show the Address property of each vehicle, but with a 2 seconds delay.
- (Architecture) Add a badge to the tab bar favorites list item
- There is an issue with from the server side when fetching the Data of specific Filter " BMW " which is returning wrong results including other car makers - check the json file within the repo.
- iOS 9.0+ .
- Single Tone : FavoritesController , DataAccessController .
- Repository Pattern : DataAccessController
- Facade Pattern : DataAccessController : Which provides a simplified interface for the Data Access Layer
- Swift 3 .
- objective - c .
- [Alamofire] ( )
- [AlamofireImage] ( )
- [MBProgressHUD] ( )
- [SwiftyJSON] ( )
- [Toast] ( )
- [IQKeyboardManagerSwift] ( )
- [AFViewShaker] ( )