
Runs the RequireJS optimizer using Lazo configuration and loaders

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status


The lazo-optimizer was designed to bundle Lazo application JavaScript and CSS. The default implementation creates a single bundle for JavaScript and single bundle for CSS. There are also a number of utility functions that can be leveraged to support custom bundling.

Default Options

The default options for bundleJS, bundleCSS, and all functions that accept an options object are:

    // the path to lazo; used to get the requirejs config for lazo
    lazoPath: require.resolve('lazo') || 'node_modules/lazo',
    // the path to the application to be bundled
    appPath: '.',
    // default requirejs configuration overrides
    config: {},
    // used to filter out any files from the bundle
    jsFilter: function (includes, files, paths) {
        return includes;
    // files to be included in the build
    includeExtensions: ['.hbs', '.json', '.js'],
    // loader to be used for a file type by extension
    loaders: {
        '.hbs': 'text',
        '.json': 'json'
    // used to filter CSS files
    cssFilter: function (file) {
        return path.extname(file) === '.css';
    // used to sort the order in which CSS files are concatenated
    sortCss: function (files) {
        return files;
    // minify the concatenated CSS
    minifyCss: true,
    // where to write the CSS bundle
    cssOut: 'app/bundles/application.css',
    // exclude the JS bundle when bundling (app/bundles/application.js)
    excludeBundles: function (files) {
        return files.filter(function (file) {
            return file.indexOf('app/bundles/') === -1;

JavaScript Bundling

The primary interface for bundling JavaScript is the bundleJS function:

bundleJS delgates to the Require.js optimizer using a default configuration. Any configuration values can be overriden to handle your specific use case. Please defer to Require.js optimizer documentaton for further help.

var optimizer = require('lazo-optimizer');

// arguments: options object and callback
    appPath: 'path/to/your/application'
}, function (err, buildResponse) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;


JavaScript Bundling Utilities

JavaScript bundling related utilities.

Note - All callbacks return err, [results].

copyLoaders(lazoPath, appPath, callback)

Copies the text, json, and l (loaders) to the root of an application for the Require.js optimizer.

  1. lazoPath (String): Path to the Lazo node module directory.
  2. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  3. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the loaders have been copied.

removeLoaders(appPath, callback)

Deletes the text, json, and l (loaders) from the root of an application.

  1. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the loaders have been deleted.

getPaths(lazoPath, appPath, callback)

Gets the path configuration for Lazo and an application (reads conf.json). Delegates to getLazoPaths and getAppPaths merging the results.

  1. lazoPath (String): Path to the Lazo node module directory.
  2. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  3. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the paths have been resolved.

getAppPaths(appPath, callback)

Gets the path configuration for an application (reads conf.json).

  1. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the paths have been resolved.

getLazoPaths(lazoPath, callback)

Gets the path configuration for Lazo. Replaces all module id values with "empty:".

  1. lazoPath (String): Path to the Lazo node module directory.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the paths have been resolved.

getJSIncludes(appPath, callback)

Reads the application directory returning an array of files. Excludes server/**/*.

  1. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the application directory has been read.

getLoaderPrefix(filePath, loaders)

Prefixes file path with loader, e.g., text!app/app.json, if required.

  1. filePath (String): File path to prefix.
  2. loaders (Object): Loaders map, (options.loaders).

(String): File path with loader prefix if file extension maps to a loader.

getDefaultConfig(options, callback)

Gets the default configuration for the Require.js optimizer.

  1. options (Object): Overrides for default options.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the configuration has been generated.

removePathsWithModuleIds: function (files, paths)

Removes files from the includes that have a module id in the paths configuration.

  1. files (Array): Include file paths.
  2. paths (Object): Paths configuration.

(Array): Filtered file paths.

mergeConfigs(options, callback)

Merges the default configuration with an overrides in options.config.

  1. options (Object): Overrides for default options.
  2. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the configuration has been merged.

CSS Bundling

The primary interface for bundling CSS is the bundleCss function:

var optimizer = require('lazo-optimizer');

// arguments: options object and callback
    appPath: 'path/to/your/application'
}, function (err, buildResponse) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;


Default Options

The default options for bundleCss and all functions that accept an options object are defined here.

CSS Bundling Utilities

CSS bundling related utilities.

Note - All callbacks return err, [results].

concatMinifyCss(css, minify, callback)

Concat and optionally minify CSS.

  1. css (Array): Contains CSS definitions, { path: 'path/to/css/file.css', contents: 'css file contents' }.
  2. minify (Boolean): Minify the CSS.
  3. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the CSS has been concatenated and optionally minified.

readCssFiles(appPath, files, callback)

Reads CSS files.

  1. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  2. files (Array): File paths for CSS files to be read.
  3. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the CSS files have been read.

resolveImgPaths(cssStr, cssFilePath)

Resolves image URLs is CSS files to absolute paths for an application.

  1. CssStr (String): CSS file contents.
  2. cssFilePath (Object): CSS file path relative to the application.

(String): CSS file contents with modified image URLs.

getCssFiles(appPath, filter, callback)

Gets the CSS file paths for an application.

  1. appPath (String): Path to the application directory.
  2. filter (Function): Filter files read from the application directory. See options.cssFilter for an example.
  3. callback (Function): Function to be executed once the CSS files paths been read.

Combo Handler

An application must define a combo handler in order to take advantage of the bundles:

To turn off combo handling set a the development=1 cookie, javascript:document.cookie="development=1".

Fore more information about combo handling and LazoBundle please refer to the lazo wiki.

// app/bundle.js
define(['lazoBundle'], function (LazoBundler) {

    'use strict';

    return LazoBundler.extend({

        response: function (route, uri, options) {
                js: ['app/bundles/application'],
                css: ['/app/bundles/application.css']

