
Obsolete. Preseved for sentimental reasons and, perhaps, for posterity.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

One Click Plugin Updater

This was a WordPress plugin that provided single-click plugin upgrades in WP 2.3+, showed which plugins had update notifications enabled, allowed easy installation of new plugins and themes, and more.

Do NOT use this on your site

This plugin is:

  • Obsolete. WordPress core now includes (almost) all of the features that this plugin used to provide.
  • Insecure. It has at least one reported CSRF vulnerability.
  • Incompatible (probably). The last release was in 2009.
  • Unmaintained. If you find a bug, you're out of luck!

Why preserve this?

  • Sentimental attachment. This was one of my first WordPress plugins that gained any significant popularity.
  • For posterity. In a small way, this is part of WordPress history - perhaps it will be of interest to someone.