A custom update checker for WordPress plugins. Useful if you don't want to host your project in the official WP repository, but would still like it to support automatic updates. Despite the name, it also works with themes.
- 5
installed plugin on view details showing "install Now" instead "latest Version installed"
#552 opened by Thiararapeter - 12
Adjusting data sent to api.wordpress.org
#578 opened by DavidAnderson684 - 6
- 6
Too many checking_for_updates requests
#572 opened by Streamlinelv - 8
- 8
New version not detected
#577 opened by herbie4 - 1
- 1
Add greek translation
#571 opened by theo-gk - 8
Lite version of the project
#553 opened by mehdi-najaran - 4
Missing referer when updating plugin
#570 opened by manu225 - 3
Updated from version 5.3 to 5.4 and receiving Puc/v5p4/Autoloader.php not found
#564 opened by crmprogramming - 1
Streamline "check for theme updates"
#569 opened by Milosh911 - 1
Missing "Check Now" button in debug bar (missing get_submit_button() function)
#568 opened by Milosh911 - 4
Add query arg to requested .php file
#549 opened by JoPed - 2
Releases and Tags
#567 opened by hupe13 - 4
PUC on shared hosting
#566 opened by hupe13 - 6
Plugin Description and Changelog
#565 opened by hupe13 - 6
- 2
Activate plugin: Uncaught Error: Class "YahnisElsts\PluginUpdateChecker\v5p3\Plugin\Ui" not found in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/seoai-client/plugin-update-checker-5.3/Puc/v5p3/Plugin/UpdateChecker.php:78
#563 opened by Etyamor - 1
GitHub API error. Base URL: "/repos/:user/:repo/contents/update-checker.php", HTTP status code: 404
#562 opened by kulterryan - 2
- 2
- 13
'puc-github-http-error' Issue
#559 opened by craigcallen - 2
- 4
Report a bug
#557 opened by mehdi-najaran - 3
Attractive proposal for development
#555 opened by mehdi-najaran - 8
Calling the project in a file other than core
#554 opened by mehdi-najaran - 5
- 1
Exclude repo file when updating my plugin
#550 opened by nebestudio - 7
Unable to check version
#541 opened by maath0712 - 25
version_compare(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($version1) of type string is deprecated
#526 opened by JiveDig - 11
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'YahnisElsts\PluginUpdateChecker\v5p1\DebugBar\Panel' not found
#543 opened by daigo75 - 7
- 11
API for self update function
#544 opened by Masegi - 2
Using PUC on an external server
#542 opened by crftwrk - 3
Deprecation notices PHP8
#539 opened by topwebstudio - 5
enableReleaseAssets() no longer the supported method
#533 opened by Narimm - 2
Deprecated error
#538 opened by Denis82cz - 2
"Can't to read the plugin header" errors
#537 opened by MattOndo - 3
PHP 8.2 Compatibility - Deprecation Notice
#536 opened by ddur - 2
Question about translations
#535 opened by ddur - 13
Error PUC 5.1 does not support GitHub in ...
#534 opened by KevinBatdorf - 2
404 Issue when Updating (Fine grained tokens?)
#532 opened by TONYCRE8 - 8
- 5
Plugin not found
#530 opened by roguewdesign - 5
Release assets fallback to first/default .zip even if releaseassets regex is applied.
#529 opened by melcarthus - 3
Plugin Update Error
#528 opened by AhmadRaza9 - 3
Update download link does not work when masking the url
#525 opened by Yehi - 3
Plugin stopped finding updates
#527 opened by gibonwebb - 8