Share configuration and state data of an Express app with the client-side via JavaScript.
- 1
#42 opened by Mrxxxzzz81x - 11
Use outside express
#31 opened by phated - 0
Exposing user data to use in React
#39 opened by efeng63 - 3
Unable to make it work with Express4
#37 opened by sylbal - 1
Possibly support '\/' escaping vs \u002F
#34 opened by iwc - 5
apply rules to do `.foo` vs `["foo"]`
#32 opened by caridy - 11
Should support for functions be removed?
#12 opened by ericf - 9
completion of namespace
#30 opened by caridy - 7
Express 4
#28 opened by NoumanSaleem - 2
`app.expose()` with `cache: true` option prevents the ability to overrule it at the request level
#25 opened by caridy - 1
Namespaces can be shadowed by data
#23 opened by jeremyruppel - 0
Add .npmignore file
#15 opened by ericf - 0
add `modown` keyword in `package.json`
#16 opened by caridy - 9
- 0
Fill-in README with docs
#2 opened by ericf - 0