CoronavirusSimulator Simulator of Covid-19 spread written in Java. This simulator simulates the spread of viruses in various scenarios, using a circle to represent a human.

Simulation The simulation begins with one person infected on each side, and the first infected begins infecting others. From being infected, a person can go to the hospital or recover on their own. Those hospitalized have a higher chance of dying, and the hospital only has a certain capacity before no more people can enter. The simulation on the right side has a fraction of the population practicing social distancing, meaning they will stay in place.

Colors Green - recovered Red - infected Pink - hospitalized Blue - healthy Gray - dead Note: Horizontal black line is the hospital capacity Control variables Graph scaling - Changes how the graph is scaled vertically so they fit on-screen. Tickrate - Delay on timer People - Number of people per simulation. Record rate - Graph will record data every time this number of ticks pass. Recoverd rate - Number of days passed -