
🎨🎨Portfolio Generator || Create as many portfolios as you need.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This is an app for people who find it hard to make an specific portfolio for each company they intend to apply for a job in.

User Stories

  • Signup: As an non-user I can sign up in the platform so that I can access to my profile and manage my portfolios.

  • Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can create or share my portfolios.

  • Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it

  • Create Experience: As a user I can create elements in the experience section. Each element will be draggable in the Portfolio Creator Section

  • Delete Experience: As a user I can delete elements in my experience section.

  • Create Portfolios: As a user I can create as many portfolios as needed just by drag'n'dropping every element created in the experience section. I can choose portfolio's templating and colors.

  • Share Portfolios: As a user I can share a public URL with whoever I want. The URL will be accesible even if you're not registered in the app.

Client / Frontend

React Router Routes (React App)

Path Component Permisions Behavior
/ Home Every User Landing page where every user can see how the app works
/signup Signup Non-user only Signup form, navigate to dashboard after signup
/login Login User only Login form, link to signup, navigate to dashboard after login if user is logged in.
/dashboard HomeDash user only Shows all portfolios created by the user and a navbar with links to create experience, new portfolios and a log-out button. Every portfolio can be created and deleted.
/dashboard/profile Profile user only Edit user data. This is important because the URLs will be generated with the user's name
/dashboard/cv/:id CV user only Create elements in the experience area, so it can be dragged in the portfolio Creator area. User has to Save Changes before leaving area.
/dashboard/portfolio Portfolio user only User configures how the portfolio's look and feel will be and drags all element that user seems necessary to share with the company the're triying to get a job in..
/sharing/t1 T1 Everyone URL that allows everyone, even non registered user, to see a resistered-user portfolio created with template 1.
/sharing/t2 T2 Everyone URL that allows everyone, even non registered user, to see a resistered-user portfolio created with template 2.
/sharing/t2 T3 Everyone URL that allows everyone, even non registered user, to see a resistered-user portfolio created with template 3.

UI Components (smaller)

Navbar - Present in all the public routes

DashNAv - To be displayed in all private routes

Server / Backend


User model

username: String,
email: String,
password: String,
avatar: String,
name: String,
lastName: String,
phone: String,

Experience/CV model

title: String,
owner: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
socialMedia: Array,
skills: Array,
whatIveDone: Array,

Portfolio model

title: String,
companyName: String,
companyAvatar: String,
owner: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
education: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'ExtraInfo' }],
experience: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'ExtraInfo' }],
skills: Array,
socialMedia: Array,
works: Array,
url: String,
avatar: String,
template: String,
theme: String,

ExtraInfo (job/education) model

place: String,
duration: String,
experienceInfo: String,
typeOfInfo: {
	type: 'String',
	enum: ['Education', 'Job'],
cv: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'myCV' },

API Endpoints (backend routes)

Method Route Description
POST /api/signup Sends sign up info to the server and creates user in the DB.
POST /api/login Sends login form data to the server.
POST /api/logout Sends user intent to logout request to the server.
POST /api/lggedin Aks the server is the user is logged in to allow them access to certain areas of the app.
POST /api/lggedin Aks the server is the user is logged in to allow them access to certain areas of the app.
POST /api/user/updateUser/:id Edit specified fields in the user found by its ID
POST /api/user/upload Cloudinary upload of users avatar.
GET /api/cv/findThisCv/:id Finds CV/experience of logged-in-user.
POST /api/cv/editCv/:id Edits CV/experience of logged-in-user.
POST /api/cv/upload Cloudinary upload of user's works.
GET /api/portfolio/findMyPortfolios Renders all created portfolios by the logged-in-user in the dashboard home.
POST /api/portfolio/newPortfolio/:id Creates a new portfolio owned by logged-in-user.
POST /api/portfolio/delete/:id Deletes portfolio owned by logged-in-user.
POST /api/extraInfo/addJob/:id Creates a Job experience owned by logged-in-user's cv
POST /api/extraInfo/addEducation/:id Creates an Education experience owned by logged-in-user's cv
POST /api/extraInfo/delete/:id Deletes experience owned by logged-in-user
GET /sharing/:url Creates a link which renders the created portfolio in the template chosen by the creator

Client repository Link

Server repository Link

Deployed App Link