mperf Indoor/Outdoor Detection

Repository Structure

  • bin/ - contains the executable files which helps extract data.
  • clf/ - contains the pretrained classfier object.
  • config/ - contains the configuration files.
  • src/ - contains the development and testing code for IO Detection.

Data streams used

  1. Location (LOCATION--org.md2k.phonesensor--PHONE)
  2. Activity Type (ACTIVITY_TYPE--org.md2k.phonesensor--PHONE)
  3. Ambient Light (AMBIENT_LIGHT--org.md2k.phonesensor--PHONE)
  4. Phone battery (BATTERY--org.md2k.phonesensor--PHONE)
  5. Car Beacon (BEACON--org.md2k.beacon--BEACON--CAR)
  6. Home Beacon (BEACON--org.md2k.beacon--BEACON--HOME)
  7. Office Beacon (BEACON--org.md2k.beacon--BEACON--OFFICE)
  8. Work 1 Beacon (BEACON--org.md2k.beacon--BEACON--WORK 1)
  9. Work 2 Beacon (BEACON--org.md2k.beacon--BEACON--WORK 2)

Important functions

extract_features, extact_features_tw

normalize, predict_labels

Classifier Object
