Biggie Smalls Tribute

One or two paragraphs providing an overview of your project.

Essentially, this part is your sales pitch.

UX The website is for fans of the famous rapper to view to have a centralised place where they can connect with him. I tried separate different components of the artist from a landing page to his music and merchandise along with a wikipedia embed

My aim so to provide an urban feel to the site but with clean lines and minimal interuption.

User Stories

As a user I can view the artist most famous songs and listen to them from within the webpage. I can also view his album artwork and his wikipedia from the about section.

Features In this section, you should go over the different parts of your project, and describe each in a sentence or so.

Existing Features

Feature 1: Responsive navigation with clear contrasting links

Feature 2: Embedded artwork of his various albums

Feature 3: Embedded YouTube links of his most famous song within the webpage

Feature 4: Embedded his Wikipedia page for Bio info etc

Feature 5: Embedded Social links in footer


Features Left to Implement

An e-commerce site for the user to purchase album art and other merchandise that we can offer.

Technologies Used

HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, Font Awesome, and Google Fonts, cloud9 IDE, Git, Github, Visual Studio Code

In this section, you should mention all of the languages, frameworks, libraries, and any other tools that you have used to construct this project. For each, provide its name, a link to its official site and a short sentence of why it was used.

Contact form: Go to the "Contact Us" page

Nothing happens when trying to submit the contact us page as the backend logic has not been implemented


The wikipedia page gave me the most grief as it is not as repsonsive as I would have liked, I believe the alternative is to copy the content from Wikipedia - provided that it is cited to avoid any copyright infringements

I am unable to get the footer to show in the wikipedia page

The background image css, I was recopying it and just changing the image url path for each page, but for some reason it overwrote all my custom bootstrap css that I had implmented. I overcame this by using a DRY and having a generic class for full width image background, however I created a custom background class and just creating a custom css rule for it.


I was having trouble with cloud9 so I downloaded the files offline and used VS code and connected it to my GitHub repository.

I followed the code institute tutorial on how to deploy to GitHub Pages