
Change from goals to points to make it ping-pong friendly...

SwedishJake opened this issue · 21 comments

Change from goals to points to make it ping-pong friendly...

Thanks for opening the issue - as you've probably noticed, the table-hockey was the primary influence when developing this application, but the idea is to make it more generic 😄

I've looked through the GUI, however, and simply changing to "points" would not work well for sports/games with actual goals. For example "Goals conceded" would become "Points lost", which doesn't go well with table hockey. I suggest instead of simply renaming it, I make it customizable per sport/community instead. I already have an issue for this: #57

OK. Great! Thanks! Are you expecting to implement this anytime soon?

Good question!
Best case scenario - this weekend, but that might be a bit optimistic 😄
Realistically I should be able to get to it within 2-3 weeks.

Great! Thanks!

Implemented, reviewed and merged: #73

Here is what changed:

  • "More goals" in the score-picker has become "More points"
  • All table headers, such as "GS", "GC" etc. have become "PW", "PL", etc.
  • Tooltips for table headers such as "Goals scored/Goals conceded" have become "Points won/Points lost"
  • Texts in Player stats, such as "Total Goals Scored", "Total Goals Conceded" have become "Total Points Won", "Total Points Lost"
  • Texts in Top5-view have been updated the same way
  • "G1", "G2" in the Result table have become "P1", "P2"

@SwedishJake let me know if I missed any texts!

Sure - you can see it under "History", but you have to select "All Time" first (implemented here: #28).


The Elo-column shows up specifically in "All Time" mode, and you can sort by any column you like (e.g. "top scorer" (most points won), "best defender" (least points lost), highest win percentage, etc.)

Note that you need to view this page on a wide enough screen (a phone in portrait mode might not have enough space and the Elo column is not shown).

Oh, sorry, I should have linked this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system#Videogames_and_online_games
In short, it's a statistics-based system used historically in chess, but now popular in other sports and online gaming. The basic principle is that winning against a higher-rated player is worth more points (depending on the rating difference) than winning against a lower-rated player.

Simple win-percentage is a good indicator too, but Elo-ratings are more "fair" since they take into account the rating of opposition.

There is no option to brand the page with an image you upload or anything
like that, right?

Not at the moment, but feel free to create a new issue 😄 I was already considering image upload for player avatars, but it never made it to top prio so far.

It's still "More goals" in stead of points...
Not so yesterday. I tried to empty cache.

You mean it was "More points" yesterday, but regressed to "More goals" today? Doesn't seem like the image you've attached got uploaded - could you try to reupload?
Do you have the URL where it shows "More goals"?

Ah, well that makes sense! New leagues will automatically have default settings - I've started working on an admin page for changing those: #75.

As for starting afresh - there is another "in-progress" issue for deleting old results: #69.

If you are sure you want to delete all old results, I can do it manually for your old league for now - so that you can keep the nice short url you had. What do you think?

No problem! I've cleared it out now, so you can have a fresh start 😁

Anyone can do it - usually one of the players (the one who won 😉 ) does it after the match. It's also easier if the players save the results themselves, since the app "remembers" and pre-selects the player (fewer clicks/taps, more pleasant UX).

What most of us did is we bookmarked the link to the league on our mobile phones, so that there is either an icon on the home screen, or a bookmark in the browser, and we fill in the result on the way from the game to our working place.

For hockey we also have a pre-alpha version of a native mobile app that simplifies time reporting (but also has a timer). I am considering a more generic mobile app that would only include time reporting, but it's probably coming around Christmas in the best case 🙁