
Scripts and Documentation for DrShah site

Primary LanguageHTML

Dr. Shah - Webflow Project Documentation

This project is built under Finsweet ClientFirst Class Naming system. Here is the official documentation for this implementation: https://www.finsweet.com/client-first/ .

Basically this is a framework to name all things properly so the site keeps stable for all devices (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile Landscape and Mobile Portrait)


If you want to change content, just edit content, in Designer or in the Editor For changing Styles, you should do it on “Styleguide” page. The Styleguide page has all the styles used in the project: *Global classes *Headings *Heading Classes *Text size *Text style *Text weight *Text alignment *Colors *Background colors *Buttons *Icons vContainers *Etc

Workng with styles

If a style is changed on a page it could be affecting any other page where the style is being used. Best way to check if a style is being used any other place is going to the Selector and check where that style is being used So, everything is about containers, they have all the classes: margins, paddings, text size, text color, etc. For the fonts, the project uses REM (instead of Pixel), this is better for Accessibility


These are pages:

  • Home
  • Speaking
  • About
  • Podcast (2 versions)
  • Membership
  • Contact
  • Next|Health
  • Topic
  • Subtopic
  • Privacy


There are some symbols used in the project:

  • NavBar
  • Footer
  • Dividers


  • Wellness Wheel - An iframe hosted in Github pages


  • Topics
  • Subtopics