- 0
Make the magic word disconnect then connect.
#288 opened by glitchphan - 0
help needed: tried versions from f-droid (version 4.4.1) over 4.4.2 up to this, can't make it work :(
#287 opened by TupambaeNet - 2
- 0
using libs as dependencies
#285 opened by goyalyashpal - 0
Some commands don't work
#284 opened by javi2man - 1
Android 9
#283 opened by glitchphan - 0
ActionBar submodule configuration wrong
#282 opened by waptaff - 4
Latest release 5.1.1 available anywhere?
#281 opened by bbinet - 0
Excessive use of battery
#280 opened by ReyhanJB - 0
- 6
Multiple chat rooms after using chat:<user> command
#277 opened by DFyson - 0
- 2
Chat room not recieving replies.
#276 opened by DFyson - 3
Duplicate messages when more than one "Account"
#274 opened by glitchphan - 11
- 3
App crashes when receiving emojis
#275 opened by glitchphan - 1
So whats a good tool to control this from my pc?
#273 opened by henningsway - 3
Add more debug log to the "reply" command
#268 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 1
- 0
Add writeln command if possible
#270 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 11
Start at boot on ICS, Android 4.0: Add missing RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission to the manifest.
#267 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 9
- 3
#264 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
Unable to stop MainService: Receiver not registered: com.googlecode.gtalksms.receivers.PublicIntentReceiver
#265 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
GTalkSMS giving invalid username/password error after upgrading to v3.5
#263 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 12
- 14
Tasker can no longer start or stop gtalksms with intent target "service"
#261 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
- 32
Show as connected but disconnected
#259 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
- 4
Error with java.util.Arrays.copyOf (Runtime exception: NoSuchMethodError)
#257 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
- 4
MUC Trouble
#256 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 6
stopped responding
#253 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 0
Please add a password protection
#254 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 3
Force close on empty sms text
#252 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
Check if recipient is online
#251 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 9
Unable to take photos - Error while getting picture: takePicture failed
#250 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
- 1
Sending SMS to wrong contact
#249 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 13
- 22
- 4
Say goodbye to menu button
#245 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
- 8
Register GTalkSMS for the share Intent (android.intent.action.SEND)
#242 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
Add status to public functions
#243 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
Refactor reply logic and use the reply information on other commands too
#240 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
Map unknown input data to a command
#241 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 4
Support for USSD codes
#239 opened by GoogleCodeExporter - 2
no incoming call notification through xmpp
#238 opened by GoogleCodeExporter