
Send a Telegram message when your scripts fire an exception or when they finish their execution.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Telegram-Log – Send message to a Telegram Bot or use it as a logger!

Telegram-Log is a simple way to interact from multiple programming languages to a Telegram Bot.

It is released under a Apache License 2.0.

Before everything: Create the bot

Following what is written here, the first step to create a bot is to start a new conversation with BotFather. With it, create a new bot with /newbot, then assign it a name and a unique username following the instructions.

The BotFather will answer with a TOKEN, which will be needed to later use the Telegram-Log application.

Then, start a conversation with the new created bot, searching it through the global search.

Now, write /start and start a conversation.

Go to https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/getUpdates (replacing <TOKEN> with the token of your bot) and you will receive a JSON that contains something like:


You also need the chat id in order to use the Telegram-Log application.

Now you are ready to go to the next step!



To use the application you need to:

git clone https://github.com/forons/telegram-log.git
mvn clean install

Then, you will be able to import this project in any of your projects simply by adding in the pom.xml:

Usage 1: Send message

As explained in src/main/java/it/forons/utils/telegram/TelegramSender.java there two ways to send messages to a Telegram Bot:

TelegramBot bot = new TelegramBot(TOKEN, CHAT_ID);
int responseCode = bot.sendMessage("Option 1: build the class and send the message.");


TelegramBot.sendMessage(TOKEN, CHAT_ID, "Option 2: static method.");
Usage 2: log4j Appender

To use Telegram-Log as a log4j appender it is just needed to add the maven dependency and to set the following lines into the log4j.properties file:

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, telegram

# Direct log messages to the telegram bot
log4j.appender.telegram.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n


Just configure


with your TOKENID and CHATID, then use it as a simple Python logger:

logger = logging.getLogger('trymeApp')

	handler = RequestsHandler()
	formatter = LogstashFormatter()


	logger.error('We have a problem')


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


Marco De Nadai and Paolo Sottovia for the inspiration

Thank you to everyone who will report bugs, propose extra features, and suggest fixes.