- 0
Click inside the cards while animating
#488 opened by aldolikaj - 6
Add support for Swift Package Manager
#460 opened by DominatorVbN - 2
Resolving Issues for SPM Support
#473 opened by jolyot - 1
Add support of Swift Package Manager (SPM)
#482 opened by N-ihad - 0
Privacy manifest required by Apple
#486 opened by wenfeng-duan - 0
I don't wanna allow the touch event for vertical and right direction, just need for the left swipe. Even the bounce effect. allowedDirectionsForIndex should have a param to not allow the bounce effect for others directions.
#483 opened by chakshu-nickelfox - 3
SPM support
#467 opened by FranFus - 0
Kolada View leaves stains of previous view
#479 opened by asadmalik210 - 2
- 5
card is not swiping on button click
#464 opened by sahabe1 - 0
Undo action on right/left swipe not working
#477 opened by jaydip2021 - 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Replace Class-Only Protocol from class to AnyObject
#470 opened by jolyot - 0
Set initial index
#469 opened by applicationdev05 - 0
- 0
How to use tableview inside kolodaview
#465 opened by NirajCapermint - 1
- 0
Is it possible to angle the card stack downwards?
#462 opened by dreloz - 0
- 1
Deprecate reliance on facebook/pop
#435 opened by maxxfrazer - 1
Module compiled with Swift 5.2.4 cannot be imported by the Swift 5.3 compiler
#457 opened by siddheshc27 - 0
Like and Dislike Image
#458 opened by DevenderSoni - 0
left and right swipe not showing image
#456 opened by DevenderSoni - 0
koloda return extra weird views
#454 opened by mourgias - 2
How can I control Drag sensitiveness?
#453 opened by tigermobiledev - 0
how to add overlay on top
#452 opened by bilal4922 - 0
Crash on Did Swipe Card At
#451 opened by app-web-dev - 1
- 1
- 2
Fatal Exception: CALayerInvalidGeometry
#437 opened by ShareZE - 0
Crash on dragging a card
#434 opened by maxydey - 0
[FEAT] Callback for revertAction
#442 opened by dbof10 - 0
Удаление объекта
#445 opened by whatissand - 3
Is this code still being maintained?
#443 opened by tsheaff - 2
- 0
when I comes to Swipe View controller I have an array and using the array I am displaying the count and cards but when I disappear the screen and navigates to other screen and when I pops to back screen I was getting some duplicate cards overlapping on above the other why this is happening even I have removed the array when viewWillDisappear please help me out of this
#425 opened by ShaikBaji1506 - 1
how i can disable card drag.
#426 opened by Parth3554 - 0
Storyboard Module is not set automatically
#427 opened by RiyanFransen - 3
- 1
Application Got crashed on continues Reload
#432 opened by learnwithgabbar - 0
Card View issue. Want to change the shadow of each card view 2) I am using it in tableview and on swipe top and bottom i should scroll tableview
#433 opened by OmarIbbu - 1
swipe only left or right not bounce up and down
#439 opened by mitesh141996 - 1
Issue with swipe animation koloda View
#440 opened by osvinexperts - 1
Need to change drag percentage.
#441 opened by AmandeepBIT - 0
Reload the current index
#438 opened by Chiragzestbrains - 0
- 2
removing card at particular index
#421 opened by sunilhs1986 - 1
PHImageManager async problem
#430 opened by unlu