- 2
not showing
#21 opened by codeSupreme - 0
equal spacing
#40 opened by galblank - 1
Scroll from Bot to Top
#37 opened by ingouackaz - 1
Menu disappears after triggering Control Center on iPhone X / Notifications on older iPhones.
#36 opened by miguelrc86 - 1
contentsGravity in transformation only layer
#35 opened by 368433 - 1
UICollectionView Issue
#30 opened by purificate - 3
setRevealed throwing as nil optional
#24 opened by MatrixSenpai - 1
Cannot import after cocopods install
#34 opened by cschelly - 8
- 4
Crashes on Device.
#29 opened by ErAbhishekChandani - 1
Does this control exist in Objective-C?
#19 opened by hassan31 - 3
How to replace UIImage by UIView
#20 opened by Twelve57 - 2
Sticky header View observer crash
#25 opened by siideffect - 3
Unable to update to 3.0 with cocoapods
#27 opened by mrigo - 6
- 1
- 1
Pull to refresh?
#23 opened by SebastianBO - 1
- 9
Unfortunately not runnning on XCode7/Swift2
#18 opened by headkit - 2
ios 9 support comming?
#15 opened by soheil-zz - 4
NSInternalInconsistencyException - UITableView was deallocated while key value observers were still registered with it.
#17 opened by rankinit - 1
do you support for Objective -c language ?
#13 opened by buidinhduong - 5
Turn bounces off without removing the menu.
#14 opened by ArthurU - 3
- 3
Swift 2.0
#10 opened by TayfunAslan - 3
- 2
Objective-c version
#6 opened by loicgriffie - 1
menu items reload
#4 opened by TangSirOnGit - 2
ios 7 support
#5 opened by hpchemgio - 2
use Persei in objc project
#2 opened by NilStack - 2
I cannot for the life of me include this inside my Podfile with Cocoapods 0.36.0.rc.1
#1 opened by gotnull