
Programming by example for audio DSP (entirely in Haskell)

Primary LanguageTeX

Build Status

Synthesis Synthesis

The goal of this project is to build a filter by providing example sound files

To read more on this project, see http://marksantolucito.com/dsp-pbe.pdf, or any of the ongoing writing in the 'papers' directory


To install (on linux), run the following commands (taken from the travis build file). This will take a good while

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:hvr/ghc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cabal-install-head ghc-8.4.3
export PATH=/opt/ghc/head/bin:/opt/cabal/8.4.3/bin:$PATH
sudo apt-get install python-tk supercollider
sudo pip install scipy numpy matplotlib
xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1280x800x24" sclang & sleep 5 ; kill %1
cabal --version
ghc --version
cabal update
cabal sandbox init
cabal install

To run the test suite

cabal new-test

To run the executable

.cabal-sandbox/bin/musicSynth input-file output-file target-file

or, run one of the benchmark executables

cabal new-run farm_benchmarks -- --color-always
cabal new-run pldi_benchmarks -- --color=always
cabal new-run trumpet_benchmark -- --color=always

Running a benchmark will drop the audio files that are produced by the synthesized code into the 'final' directory


for help on the inputs to the executable, run

.cabal-sandbox/bin/musicSynth --help

audio inputs must be stereo tracks at 44.1k