
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Netlify Status

Connect Four

Getting Started

Follow these instructions to get started with a local development build or view the live app hosted on netlify here https://yalgie-connect-four.netlify.com/

git clone https://github.com/Yalgie/connect-four.git

npm install

npm start


To run tests, make sure you've installed the dependencies using:

npm install

Run the test by using:

npm run jest

Tech Architecture

  • React v16.8
  • Redux v4 w/ Thunk Middleware
  • MaterialUI v4.2
  • Create React App (CRA v3.1)

Rules / Flow

  • When the page loads and the application starts, users will be presented with a screen saying 'Let's Play Connect 4'.
  • Users can then select which colour should go first, upon clicking Red or Yellow, the game will start.
  • The active colour can then hover their mouse over the different pieces which will highlight the entire column.
  • Once a user clicks on the highlighted column, a piece will be placed in the first available spot in that column. This spot is determined by looping through the 2D board array in the redux state and finiding the first available spot, it will then update the board state and then run various checks such as win and draw conditions.
  • Players repeat this process untill a player wins, or if the board fills up and there are no more available moves it will end in a draw.
  • Once the game ends either via a draw or a player winning, they are presented with some contexualised text around if a colour won or if it was a draw and a replay button, which resets redux to it's initial state.


  • Assuming no data needs to be saved or persisted throughout sessions
  • Assuming we don't need to use something like socket.io to make the game multiplayer


  • Decided to use thunk to manipulate the state data before dispatching to the reducers, usually you'd only use thunk for async operations but I like how thunk structures the actions. Was also considering looking into redux-sagas but did some research and seemed a bit overkill for this use case.
  • This was basically the first time I've used jest also so excuse the tests if they're not amazing.
  • Tried to make good use of the new react hooks with setState, useSelector & useDispatch, it feels a lot cleaner cutting out a lot of the overhead.

Improvements / Wishlist

  • Socket based multiplayer game where the game can be played on users own screens
  • Drag & Drop functionality where users have a pile of pieces and they can drag and drop them into the columns
  • Animations of the pieces falling down the rows and having a bit of a bounce when it lands
  • I don't have much experience with Unit Testing but i'd like to improve upon the tests written
  • Improve upon the basic UX & UI