
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Iridium Hashtag Plugin

This is a plugin that detects hashtag in task title and apply labels automatically.

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

alt text


  • Iridium 0.9.0 or above

Release Notes


Initial Release

Installing The Plugin

Install From Pre-Packaged (Recommended)

  1. Download packaged.zip file from the repo.
  2. Launch Iridium and follow the Offline Installation steps to install the plugin.

Install From Source

To run from source, Node.js 10, npm and CLI are needed to be installed.

  1. Download/Clone the repository under Your Home Directory/Iridium/plugins/ as a folder.
  2. cd into the cloned directory, then run npm
  3. cd into frontend and run npm, then ng build settings-frontend
  4. Launch Iridium.