Today all the work at the admission of the student is done manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and time consuming. Every year, students from different cities come to collect forms and then again to submit the forms. This results in long queues during the admission period. And if they misunderstood the nature of the documents asked they would have to report the entire process again. This proves to be laborious for both the students and the admin department. Also managing and maintaining these applications requires a lot of manpower. A poor admissions system can mean fewer students being admitted into a university because of mistakes or an overly slow response time. In order to overcome all these problems, the online admission system is developed. The goal of "MAPE" is to automate the Academic Institute's admission structures and its related operation and functionality. The objective of the system is to provide support to the administration and students by providing a faster, transparent and easy way of keeping records and use them for further preceding.
Version 1 Tesseract, OpenCV, Regex, Flask
Version 2 Yolov5, Spacy, Streamlite, Tesseract
Version 3 Latest