
Complete data and code for the paper presented in CIRPe conference

Primary LanguagePython

Maximum Flow - Case Study

What is this?

In this repository you will find the complete (anonymized) dataset and code for the paper presented to CIRPe Global Web Conference 2019.

How do I reproduce your results?

Easy, run the main.py file.

What can I find in this repository?


You will find the anonymized data used for this work in the following paths:

  • data/manufacturing_data.txt
  • data/nodes_capacity.txt

The first file contains data in three columns separated by whitespace. The data consists of edges (i,j) and weights w(i,j). Each line looks like this:

i j w(i,j)

The second file provides node capacity values in units/day. Each line looks like this:

i C_i


You will find the following modules:

  • graph.py: object with attributes and methods of graphs.
  • readwrite.py: list of functions to read or write graphs to text files.
  • capacity.py: object with methods to distribute node capacity to edges.
  • breadthfirstsearch.py: object with methods to find shortest paths using BFS algorithm.
  • fordfulkerson.py: function for the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.

You can reproduce the results in the paper running main.py.

You will also find three files with code to make the plots in the paper: plot_full_network.py, plot_no_antiparallel.py, plot_flow_fraction.py.


In the results directory, you can find the plots as well as the text file with the flow fraction results.

Can I re-use your code?

Absolutely. Please make sure to cite our work. (The appropriate citation will be provided shortly).

I have a question that you did not answer here.

Sure, that happens. Send me an E-mail to yamila.omar@uni.lu with the subject "Question about GitHub maximum-flow-case-study-CIRPe" and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.