
Plugin providing memory plugin loading in Kirikiri

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Plugin providing memory plugin loading in Kirikiri

This plugin replaces the plugin loading functionality with one that does not require usage of temporary files in Kirikiri2 / 吉里吉里2 / KirikiriZ / 吉里吉里Z
Additionally, for Kirikiri2, this will allow usage of the Unicode functions for loading plugins.


After cloning submodules, a simple make will generate krmemplugin.dll.

How to use

After Plugins.link("krmemplugin.dll");global.Plugins.prepare_krmemplugin(); is used, the link, unlink, and getList functions will be exposed under the Plugins class.


  • Susie archive and image plugins are not supported.
  • Unlinking is stubbed.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. Please read the LICENSE file for more information.