Yan-Siv's Stars
PowerShell for every system!
Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
A MASSIVE tileset mod by Ravignir. New tile graphics, new unit graphics. Compatible with: RekMOD, Ancient and Medieval civs mods. Leave a star on the mod page if you like it.
This mod for those who wants to play vanilla game, but with G&K and BNW nations.
This mod adds network speed to speed up the multiplayer gameplay. This mod is for online games only. This mod will not work correctly in single player games.
mod for game unciv. ive tooked the civilization 6 nations from mod and adaptating it for vanilla unciv! mod-maker of civ6mod is "k4zoo"
a fullest mod that add full of civ 4 mechanicals. all nations with their unique leaders(2 or mb 3), tech tree, and other features.