
模拟自动驾驶Use TensorFlow and openCV

Primary LanguagePython


Use TensorFlow and openCV


semi-finished product!

Self_ driving at Euro Truck Simulator2 -----《欧洲卡车模拟2》


Control part: Use win32 api to control keyboard, which self play Euro Truck Simulator2.

Trace the traffic-line part: (openCV):

1, transfer original image to gray cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY

2, than using Canny to due with the image: Canny 作用是勾勒路线的轮廓

3, using cv2.HoughLinesP() function to analyze 道路的虚线和实线 原理是计算条线之间的空隙。而实线比较好处理。 enter image description here

4, Using two lines to figure out "Turn", and the signal will call win32 to keyboard.

二, Use TensorFlow to recognized front of view, such as Car or Traffic_light.     This part based on :object_detection

Problem: 通过CNN训练模型,但还是未能解决红绿灯信号识别的问题,打算用openCV做颜色归纳 enter image description here   行人检测 enter image description here