
REST API used for working with a collection of contacts.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Contacts API


REST API used for working with a collection of contacts. It requires email verification after user registration.

Commands to Run Node JS Application

  • npm start — server start in production mode
  • npm run start:dev — server start in development mode
  • npm run lint — run code check execution with eslint
  • npm lint:fix — the same eslint check, but with automatic error-fixing
  • npm test — run code tests
  • npm run test:coverage — test report generation based on code covered by tests

Contact Routes

Method http://localhost:{PORT}/api Description Required parameters
GET /contacts Retrieves info about all contacts Authorization
GET /contacts/{contactId} Finds a contact by ID Authorization, ID
POST /contacts Adds a new contact Authorization, body(JSON)
PUT /contacts/{contactId} Updates an existing contact Authorization, ID, body(JSON)
PATCH /contacts/{contactId}/favorite Updates a 'favorite' value Authorization, ID, body(JSON)
DELETE /contacts/{contactId} Deletes a contact by ID Authorization, ID
GET /contacts?page={1}&limit={20} Paginates contacts Authorization, query params
GET /contacts?favorite={true} Filters by a 'favorite' value Authorization, a query param

User Routes

Method http://localhost:{PORT}/api Description Required parameters
POST /users/signup Creates a new user Body(JSON)
POST /users/login Logs a user into the system Body(JSON)
POST /users/logout Logs out current logged in user Authorization
GET /users/current Gets info about current user Authorization
PATCH /users/subscription Updates user subscription Authorization, body(JSON)
GET /users/starter Gets access by 'starter' subscription Authorization
GET /users/business Gets access by 'business' subscription Authorization
GET /users/pro Gets access by 'pro' subscription Authorization
PATCH /users/avatars Uploads user avatar Authorization, body(form-data)
GET /users/verify/{verifyToken} Finds user by 'verifyToken' value A query param
POST /users/verify Resends e-mail for user verification Body(JSON)


Contact Schema

All items have some of the following properties, with required properties in bold:

Field Data type Description
name String A word or set of words by which a person is known.
email String A unique identifier for an email account.
phone String A number assigned for a specific phone.
favorite Boolean Defines preferred contacts (either true or false).
owner ObjectId Used as a unique identifier for a contact in database.
id String The contact’s unique ID.

The sample of contact schema: ⬇️

  "name" : "Mathew Anderson",
  "email" : "mathew.anderson@gmail.com",
  "phone" : "(749) 123-4321",  
  "favorite" : true,
  "owner" : "61708e7945716321af0cf25e",
  "id" : "615ee809a3cb105c9db1ac16"

User Schema

Users are identified by IDs, with required properties in bold.

Field Data type Description
email String A unique identifier for an email account.
password String A string of characters that allows access to a service.
subscription String An access to a service defined by a certain user role.
name String A word or set of words by which a person is known.
token String Used to share security information between a client and a server.
avatarURL String A unique identifier that locates the avatar on the Internet.
id String The contact’s unique ID.
idUserCloud String ID for added asset in Cloudinary account.
verify Boolean Indicates if user has passed verification or not (either true or false).
verifyToken String Token by which verification takes place.

The sample of user schema: ⬇️

    "email": "mathew.anderson@gmail.com",
    "password": "12345678",
    "subscription": "pro" (enum: ["starter", "pro", "business"]),
    "name": "Mathew Anderson",
    "avatarURL": "https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/59029276955677351421b3ff6bf5ee4c?s=250",
    "token":  "xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz",       
    "id": "615ee809a3cb105c9db1ac16",
    "idUserCloud": "n8wzoryzzbyojdunoqmf",
    "verify": false, 
    "verifyToken": "xxxxx.yyyyy.zzzzz",             