
Theory and Practice about LLMs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


LLM4Academic is a repository for everything I want to know about large language models (LLMs). There are two parts in this repository: (1) Theory: reading list, survey, curated sources; (2) Practice: insightful experiment (demo, framework, etc.) implemented by myself.

"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."

Table of Contents


Reading List

Reading list and related notes for LLM, see Reading List for details.

  • Key Findings
  • Architecture
  • Efficiency
  • Instruction Tuning
  • In Context Learning
  • Mixture of Experts
  • Reasoning
    • Abstract Reasoning
    • Chain of Thought
  • Reference (survey, lists, and etc.)


Dataset Collections

Datasets for Pretrain/Finetune/Instruction-tune LLMs, see Datasets for details.

  • Pretraining Corpora
  • Instruction

Open Source LLMs

Collection of various open-source LLMs, see Open Souce LLMs for details.

  • Pretrained Model
  • Multitask Supervised Finetuned Model
  • Instruction Finetuned Model
    • English
    • Chinese
    • Multilingual
  • Human Feedback Finetuned Model
  • Domain Finetuned Model
  • Open Source Projects
    • reproduce/framework
    • accelerate
    • evaluation
    • deployment/demo
  • Reference

Evaluation Benchmarks

Collection of automatic evaluation benchmarks, see Evaluation Benchmarks for details.

  • English
    • Comprehensive
    • Knowledge
    • Reason
      • Hard Mathematical, Theorem
    • Code
    • Personalization
  • Chinese
    • Comprehensive
    • Safety
  • Multilingual



LLM API demos, see API for details.

  • Claude
  • ChatGPT

Instruction Tuning

  1. Instruction Construct: Construct Instruction by mixture or self-instruct
  2. Fine Tuning: Instruction Tuning on 4 LLM with multilingual instructions

see Instruction Tuning for details.

  • Experiments
    • Datasets
      • Collection
      • Bootstrap
    • Model Cards
    • Usage
  • Results

Constrained Generation

constrain LLM to generate specific answer (e.g., some open ended QA, limited vocabulary tasks), see Constrained Generate for details.

  • Common method (constrain vocabulary + sample algorithm)
  • Trie + Beam search (has issues currently)


  • llm-action, 本项目旨在分享大模型相关技术原理以及实战经验