- Redesign the project structure
- Import TailwindCSS (tested)
- Import PurgeCSS (tested)
- Import NProgress. ('/router/beforeEach.js' and 'afterEach.js') (tested)
- Import Axios and qs('/plugins/http').
- Import a basic event bus and add to Vue prototype.(this.$bus) (tested)
- Import lodash and add to Vue prototype.(this._)(tested)
- Build basic API structure with Restful Design.('/services/api') (tested)
- Import global SCSS variables('/asstes/style/_variables.scss') (tested)
- Import localforage and add to Vue prototype. (this.$sotrage) (tested)
- Build basic Auth module.(un-tested)
- Import Noty.js as Default notification snackbar.
- import esri arcgis
npm install
vue add vuetify
vue add electron-builder
Import proper global notification component.('plugins/http/interceptor', 'plugins/auth', 'router/beforeEach')
Finish login and logout logic in Plugins/Auth module.
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint