
Fast OCR, multi-language support, sleek design. Scan, edit, and share text effortlessly. Smart barcode and QR code scanning.

Primary LanguageJava

Project Deprecated

This project is no longer maintained.

Please note that there will be no further updates or bug fixes.

The new project called Open Note will serve as a replacement for this project.

"Open Note" offers enhanced features and ongoing support.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

OCR 助手

Copilot OCR


A powerful text and QR code scann App

Get it on Google Play

📖 特点 Features

  • 无不必要的权限 No unnecessary permissions required,
  • 材料主题3 Material Design 3,
  • 历史记录 History,
  • 适配不同大小和方向的屏幕 Portrait and landscape orientation,
  • 多项实用功能 Multiple useful functions

📷 屏幕截图 Screenshots

🌎 语言翻译 Translations


Currently supports Chinese, English and German.

应用介绍 Application introduction

!!! Code may not be used for profitable commercial purposes without the author's permission.

!!! 未经作者允许不得将代码用于盈利性商业用途。


  1. Multi-engine offline image OCR, fast and accurate. Neural Network Engine 1 supports automatic recognition of nearly 100 languages such as Chinese, English, German, Spanish, etc. If you need to recognize Japanese and Korean, please use Neural Network Engine 2
  2. The history of scanned images, slide to delete
  3. Edit, copy and share scanned text
  4. Automatically switch light and dark modes according to device, support Chinese, English and German three application languages
  5. Material Design 3
  6. Has smooth and intuitive animation, adapted to new features such as predictive return gestures
  7. Quickly scan all types of barcodes and QR codes


  1. 多引擎离线图片OCR,快速准确。神经网络引擎1支持汉语,英语,德语,西班牙语等近100种语言自动识别,如需识别日语和韩语请使用神经网络引擎2
  2. 扫描图像的历史记录,滑动即可删除
  3. 编辑,复制和分享扫描的文本
  4. 根据设备自动切换浅色和深色模式,支持中文,英语和德语三种应用语言
  5. Material Design 3
  6. 拥有流畅的且符合直觉的动画,适配预测性返回手势等新特性
  7. 快速扫描所有类型的条形码和二维码