
My dot-Setting for fast configuring new machine

Primary LanguageVim script

My Dot-Setting

Never use sudo rm -rf in script!!!

Instead, use sudo mv xxxx ~/trash.


  • git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
  • In vim :PluginInstall


sudo apt-get -y install vim-nox vim-gtk vim-gnome vim-athena
Error handling: sudo chown -R yangz:yangz /home/yangz/.cache/neocomplete/

Awesome Shortcuts:

  1. MacOS:
    • cmd + option + h: hide all applications except for the current one.
  2. Uninstall plugin through Vundle:
    • delete the line for that plugin;
    • restart vim :BundleClean
  3. NerdTree:
    • shift + c: zoom into select folder
    • u: zoom out to root folder
    • m: folder operations, ESC: exit fold operations mode
    • i: open new vertical windown for selected file
    • s: open new horizonal window for selected file
    • t: open new tab for selected file
    • r: refresh current directory
    • R: refresh root directory
  4. Ctags:
    • ctags -R . : generate tags file
    • ctrl + ]: jump to definition
    • ctrl + o/t: jump back
  5. Tagbar:
    • F10 in visual mode: show tagbar
    • F10 in edit mode: switch into paste mode
  6. Nerdcommenter:
    • ,cc: comment one line or the selected text in the visual mode
    • ,cu: uncomment one line or the selected text in the visual mode
  7. Vim-Airline:
    • ctrl + n: next buffer
    • ctrl + m: previous buffer
  8. Ctrlp.vim:
    • ctrl + p: search
    • Esc: exit search mode
    • ctrl + t: new tab for the selected file
  9. gDoc:
    • shift + cmd + x: strikethrough
  10. Git:
    • branck management:
      • git branch branch_name: create a new branch
      • git checkout branch_name: switch to the new branch
      • git checkout -b branch_name: create and switch to a new branch
      • git checkout master, git merge branch_name: merge a branch to the master
      • git checkout --track origin/newsletter: git checkout for Remote Branches
    • handling a wrong git add:
      • git status: check added files
      • git reset HEAD: revoke last adding
      • git reset HEAD xxx.file: revoke last adding for xxx.file
    • handling a wrong git commit:
      • git log: check commit_id and log
      • revert: use new commit to rollback previous commit:
        • git revert HEAD: revoke last commit
        • git revert HEAD: revoke last two commits
        • git revert commit_id: revoke to the commit_id
      • reset - directly delete previous commit:
        • git reset commit_id: revoke last commit, but the code remained modified
        • git reset -hard commit_id: revoke last commit, and the code is restored to the last commit.
    • setup remote url:
      • git remote add origin url
    • change remote url:
    • forcely overwrite local changes:
      • git reset --hard HEAD
      • git pull
    • During pulling, if you what to remove all local changes from your working copy, simply stash them:
      • git stash save --keep-index
    • If you don't need them anymore, you now can drop that stash:
      • git stash drop
    • Another way to remove local changes:
      • git checkout HEAD^ file/to/overwrite
      • git pull
    • remove files completely from commit histroy:
      • git filter-branch --index-filter "git rm -rf --cached --ignore-unmatch path_to_file" HEAD
    • git lfs
      • git lfs track giant.file
      • git add .gitattributes
      • git add giant.file
  11. Vim:
    • ctrl + w + w/h/j/k/l: jump among windows
    • gt and gT: tab switch
    • o: go to next line with edit mode
    • u: cancel
    • ctr + r: cancel last u
    • :tabe xx.file: open a new tab for this file
    • dd: delete one line
    • yy: copy one line
    • w: word end; b: word start
    • ^: line header; $: line tail
    • gg: file header; G: file tail
    • :bd: close current vim buffer
  12. Byobu
    • F2: new tab
    • alt + <-/->: switch tabs
    • ctrl + a + %: new horizonal window
    • shift + F2: new vertical window
    • shift + alt + directionKeys: resize current selected windown
    • F6: pause byobu
    • F7: enter into view mode; q: exit view mode
    • F8: rename current tab
    • F9: configuration
    • type exit: close current tab or window
  13. Linux commands:
    • tail -f xxx.file: monitor the file change
    • watch -d -n 0.1 cmd: periodically execute cmd (here the period is 0.1s)
    • sudo du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr: show the sizse of sub-directories in current directory.
    • df -h: show the dist usage
  14. Vimium:
    • j/k: scroll down/up the page by one line
    • u/d: scroll down/up the page by half page
    • shift + j/k: jump among different tabs (I highly recommend using cmd + opt + <-/->)
    • shift + h/l: backward/forward the page
    • o/O: open a google search box in the current/new tab
    • shift + t: open a search box for all the opened tab
    • ?: show shortcuts
    • gg: return to the top
    • G: jump to the bottom
    • gi: locate to the input box of current page
  15. Chrome:
    • cmd + 18: switch to the leftmost 18 tab
    • cmd + 9: switch to the rightmost tab
  16. Python:
    • python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080: Set up a web server on (will enable access to the server on all network interfaces, not just localhost)
    • python3 -m http.server 8080
    • python indexing:
      import numpy as np
      vals = np.random.random((3,4)).astype(float)
      mean = np.mean(vals, axis=1)
      for j in range(vals.shape[1]):
          # here, vals[:, j] is just a 1D np array. 
          vals[:, j] -= mean
      keys = np.random.random(4)
      # make it in decending order
      sort_index = keys.argsort()[::-1]
      vals = vals[:, sort_index]
      keys = keys[sort_index]
  17. Jupyter Notebook
    • jupyter notebook --ip --port 8888: enable access to the server on all network interfaces, not just localhost.
  18. Vscode:
    • keymapshortcut in preference:
      • ctrl + ]: go to defination
      • ctrl + [: go back
      • ctrl + o: go last
  19. Permission setting:
  20. zsh:
    • [suggested] install zsh with onmyzsh: http://www.boekhoff.info/how-to-install-zsh-and-oh-my-zsh/

      • The configuration file is ~/.zshrc
      sudo apt-get install zsh curl git # install zsh
      sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" # install ohmyzsh configuration management framework
      sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
    • Thorough tutorial about zsh configuration: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-configure-your-macos-terminal-with-zsh-like-a-pro-c0ab3f3c1156/

    • font rendering issues on iterm2:

      git clone https://github.com/powerline/fonts (clone it anywhere, You can remove cloned dir after step-4)
      cd fonts
      • then Open iTerm2->Preferences->Profiles->Text->Change Font-> Meslo LG S DZ Regular for Powerline
      • or Just select Use built-in Powerline glyphs and use Inconsolata for PowerPoint font.
    • font rendering issues on vscode integrated terminal:

      • "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Source Code Pro for Powerline"
    • change the default shell to zsh:

      • sudo vi /etc/passwd
      • Find the line with your usernam, and replace bash with zsh
    • install zsh with prezto: https://medium.com/@oldwestaction/beautifying-your-terminal-with-zsh-prezto-powerlevel9k-9e8de2023046

      • the configuration file is ~/.zpreztorc
      sudo apt-get install zsh curl git # install zsh
      rm -f ~/.zshrc
      git clone --recursive https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto"
      setopt EXTENDED_GLOB
      for rcfile in "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}"/.zprezto/runcoms/^README.md(.N); do
      ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
      chsh -s $(which zsh)
  21. conda:
    • conda env list
    • conda env remove -n ENV_NAME
    • conda deactivate: exit current env
    • conda create --name py2 python=2.7: Create a Python 2 environment named py2, install Python 2.7
    • conda activate ENV_NAME: enter env ENV_NAME