Synology package example

For more information, please refer Synology package developer guide and Synology dev center

How to pack the example package

Get the package scripts

git clone
cd pkgscripts-ng

Select the target platform and DSM version

Assume you are going to develop package compatible with DSM7.0

git checkout DSM7.0

Find your platform name by listing all available platforms supported by DSM7.0

./EnvDeploy -l

Deploy environment

Assume your platform is geminilake, and target DSM version is DSM 7.0. Deploy your development environment.

./EnvDeploy -v 7.0 -p geminilake

Clone this repo

Clone this repo to your build machine

mkdir -p ../source
cd ../source
git clone <path-to-this-repo>

Select the example you need

cp -a <path-to-this-repo>/<repo-you-need> ./

Pack the package

cd ../pkgscripts-ng
./ -v 7.0 -p geminilake -c <repo-you-need>

Collect the package

ls ../result_spk