
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


1. API Doc: MSD.Nordic BLE

The MSD.Nordic.Ble library is created to provide a Python API for interacting with BLE devices functioning as GATT servers. It is built on the pc-ble-driver-py library and allows communication with a BLE device through a defined interface. The library includes methods for scanning the BLE environment to search for devices.

2. BLE device class methods:

2.1 connect(timeout_in_millis: int)

Establish a connection to a device. :param timeout_in_millis: timeout. :return: True if successful /False.

2.2 disconnect(timeout_in_millis: int):

Ends a connection to a device. :param timeout_in_millis: timeout. :return: True/False.

2.3 discover_services():

Returns all device services and characteristics :return: A dictionary of all the device services and characteristics. key: a service tuple: (service.uuid, service.description) value: an array of characteristics tuple: [(ch.description, ch.properties, ch.uuid)]

{ (service.uuid, service.description) = [(ch.description, ch.properties, ch.uuid)] ... }

2.4 read(char_uuid: str, timeout_in_millis: int)

Reads a value from a readable characteristic. :param char_uuid: the identifier of the characteristic needed to be read. :param timeout_in_millis: timeout :return: the value that is read / ""

2.5 write(char_uuid, data: bytes, timeout_in_millis: int):

Write data to a writeable characteristic. :param char_uuid: the identifier of the characteristic needed to be written. :param data: the data to be written :param timeout_in_millis: timeout :return: True if successful /False

2.6 start_notify(char_uuid):

Register for a characteristic notifications. pushing notification arrives from the registered characteristic. :param char_uuid: the identifier of the characteristic for registration :return: True if successful /False

2.7 stop_notify(char_uuid):

Stop characteristic notification. :param char_uuid: the identifier of the characteristic to be unregistered :return: True if successful /False

2.8 is_connected():

Query the device connection :return: True if successful /False

3. BLE Nordic Central CLass:

3.3 connect(mac_address: str, timeout_in_millis: int):

Test device connection :param mac_address: The tested device mac address :param timeout_in_millis: timeout :return: True/False

4. Queue

The BLE Queue class queue for notifications from all connected devices. notification pushed into the queue on receive notification event

5.1 BLE Instance initialization parameters

5.1.1 log_file

This parameter enables the settings of the log file path. (see example code) If omitted the default log file will reside in the current directory and be called ble.log.

5.1.2 Communication port

BLE Communication port

5.2 BLE.Device initialization parameters

5.1.1 mac_address

The Device mac address

5.1.2 ble adapter

The Device adapter

6. Sample script:

def demo():
    mac_address_str = ["C6:D8:48:B4:61:7C"]
    communication port = "COM5"

# chars for testing
read_characteristic = 0x2A00
write_characteristic_uuid = "40000000-1000-1000-8000-00805F9BAAAA"
write_characteristic_value = [110]
notify_characteristic_uuid = "40000000-2000-1000-8000-00805F9BAAAA"

ble = BLE(log_file_path="ble.log", port=connection_port)
ble_queue = ble.Queue()

scan_res = ble.scan_by_mac(mac_address_str, 5000)
print("scan result", scan_res)

for device in [x for x in scan_res]:
    device = ble.Device(device[0], device[1])
    print("device", device)

    is_connection_successful = device.connect(5000)
    print("is_connection_successful", is_connection_successful)

    is_connected = device.is_connected()
    print("is_connected", is_connected)

    all_characteristics = device.discover_services()
    print("characters", all_characteristics)

    char_value = device.read(read_characteristic, 4000)
    print("char_value", char_value)

    is_write_successful = device.write(
        write_characteristic_uuid, write_characteristic_value, 5000
    print("is_write_successful", is_write_successful)

    is_start_notify_successful = device.start_notify(notify_characteristic_uuid)
    print("is_start_notify_successful", is_start_notify_successful)


    is_stop_notify_successful = device.stop_notify(notify_characteristic_uuid)
    print("is_stop_notify_successful", is_stop_notify_successful)

    is_disconnected = device.disconnect(5000)
    print("is_disconnected", is_disconnected)

    is_connected = device.is_connected()
    print("is_connected", is_connected)
