A simple classic password managing tool. Functionalities included:
- Account Creation - Register / Login / Activate / Forgot / Reset
- Store and retrieve your passwords
- Add / Remove your passwords
- Account Settings - Change account password / Delete Account
- Back-End Technologies: PHP + MySQL
- Front-End Technologies: HTML, CSS, JQuery
- Authentication provided - SESSIONS used, logs out everytime you close your browser
- Password Hashing Algorithm - BCRYPT
- Mailing Service provided using PHP Mailer
cd Password-Manager
Make sure to have PHP and composer installed in your system.
composer install
Make sure to have all requirements available in 'vendor' folder after using composer
Import the file
provided in your mySQL. -
The controller folder has all the controllers which contains almost all PHP coding that has been done.
controls the database operations. Specify your database details there. -
Make sure the server details are mentioned in the file
php -S localhost:8000
in the directory where the project is stored -
in any browser
The templates have been obtained from different sources. I do not own any rights on them.
- DASHBOARD - Textured Orbs - https://www.html5webtemplates.co.uk/templates.html