
This package is used to download file, like pdf, zip, image and so on.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • This package is used to download file, like pdf, zip, image and so on. The important feature is that the callbacks can be used and the cors situation is supported.
  • This package is powered by enable platform team of youzan company.


  • aerolite(url, data, options)

  • url: string

  • data: object

  • options: object

    options field data type
    successCallback function
    failCallback function
    fileName string
    cors boolean
    • options.successCallback: it will be called when the file has been downloaded.
    • options.failCallback: it will be called when there are something wrong with downloading.
    • options.fileName: the default file name.(Normally the file name is defined by backend)
    • options.cors: when the cors is opened, the field withCredentials will be set. To be attention, a Access-Control-Expose-Headers http header should be set to Content-Disposition in the response from server. About the http header setting in cors, you can find in the examples folders.


  aerolite('/url/to/download.pdf', null, {
    successCallback: function () {
    failCallback: function () {
    fileName: 'result.pdf',
    cors: true


browser chrome safari firefox edge ie other
support 10.1+ ? ? ?


  • packaging in dev environment
  yarn webpack-dev
  • packaging in prod environment
  yarn webpack-prod
  • test
    • in the examples, there are two servers. One (spray.com:5656) is in cors architecture. The other one (spray.com:5658) is not.
  yarn test