
a light-weight npm module with which you can generate your ascii logo ( ascii text ), a kind of art text

Primary LanguageJavaScript



NPM version

Ascii-text-generator module make the character of a-z, 0-9 in the form of logo which is achieved by ascii characters. It can be used in web pages, console output, file header comments.


in Node.js :

npm install --save ascii-text-generator

in Browser :

see: asciitext

<!-- when linking the file, suggest downloading this file and upload to your own cdn. -->
<script src="http://okup5z621.bkt.clouddn.com/atg.min.js"></script>


in Node.js :

let ascii_text_generator = require('ascii-text-generator');

in Browser :

    var atg = window.ascii_text_generator;


ascii_text_generator(inputText[, textStyle])
  • inputText : String
  • textStyle : "1" || "2"(default) || "3" // 1: "futuristik", 2: "block", 3: "wireframe"


in Node.js:

  • output text logo to the header of file in the form of annotation
let input_text = "ascii text \\ngenerator";
let text ="/*\n" + ascii_text_generator(input_text,"2") + "\n*/";

fs.outputFile("./build/file.js", text, function (err) {
        throw new Error(err);
        console.log("output to file.js successfully.");
        // execute callback

     ___   _____   _____   _   _        _____   _____  __    __  _____       
    /   | /  ___/ /  ___| | | | |      |_   _| | ____| \ \  / / |_   _|      
   / /| | | |___  | |     | | | |        | |   | |__    \ \/ /    | |        
  / / | | \___  \ | |     | | | |        | |   |  __|    }  {     | |        
 / /  | |  ___| | | |___  | | | |        | |   | |___   / /\ \    | |        
/_/   |_| /_____/ \_____| |_| |_|        |_|   |_____| /_/  \_\   |_|        
 _____   _____   __   _   _____   _____        ___   _____   _____   _____   
/  ___| | ____| |  \ | | | ____| |  _  \      /   | |_   _| /  _  \ |  _  \  
| |     | |__   |   \| | | |__   | |_| |     / /| |   | |   | | | | | |_| |  
| |  _  |  __|  | |\   | |  __|  |  _  /    / / | |   | |   | | | | |  _  /  
| |_| | | |___  | | \  | | |___  | | \ \   / /  | |   | |   | |_| | | | \ \  
\_____/ |_____| |_|  \_| |_____| |_|  \_\ /_/   |_|   |_|   \_____/ |_|  \_\ 
  • output text logo to the console
let input_text = "art text";
let ascii_text =ascii_text_generator(input_text,"1");

//console.log(chalk.blue.bold.bgGreen(ascii_text)); // make output colorful by using chalk module

// console
 __   __  _|_      _|_   ___  \_' _|_  
(__( |  '  |_,      |_, (__/_ / \  |_, 

in Browser:

  • output text logo to html element content


<p id="ascii-text"></p>


var atg = window.ascii_text_generator;
var input_text = "art text";
var ascii_text =atg(input_text,"3");
var p = document.getElementById("ascii-text");

// you can add other css property and value in the end of the string.
p.style.cssText = "white-space:pre; font:16px/1 monospace;";  
p.innerHTML = ascii_text;

// page effect:

/¯\ |¯| ¯|¯   ¯|¯ |¯ \/ ¯|¯ 
|¯| |¯\  |     |  |¯ /\  |  


in Node.js:

To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

git clone https://github.com/Yann-Wang/ascii-text-generator.git
cd ascii-text-generator
npm install
npm test

in Browser:

cd ascii-text-generator
npm install
node static-server.js
# access http://localhost:3000/test/test_in_browser.html


Node.js 0.10.0-7.5.0, Chrome 55+, Opera 42+, Firefox 43+, IE7+, Edge