
catullus is a transpiler which can compile the code of javascript with the latest syntax to compatible mode.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

  • catullus is a transpiler which can compile the code of javascript with the latest syntax to compatible mode.


    yarn add catullus --dev
    npm install catullus --save-dev


  • use it in the package.json as follows.
    "script": {
        "build": "catullus babel src --out-dir lib/"
  • add .babelrc to the project root directory in which the content is as follows.

  • for node package, write like this.

        "presets": [
                    "targets": {
                        "node": "6.9"
        "plugins": [
        "env": {
            "development": {
                "sourceMaps": "inline"
  • for react package, write like this.
  • (Attention: this tool doesn't support compile the file of which the extension is not .js)
  • if you need import .css, .jpg, .png, .svg and some other file, please use webpack.
        "presets": [
                    "targets": {
                    "browsers": [
                        "> 1%",
                        "last 2 versions"
        "plugins": [
        "env": {
            "development": {
                "sourceMaps": "inline"

why should we use this package ?

  • make facility to configure the build environment of the project.


  • install dependencies and devDependencies
    yarn install --production=false
  • compile
    yarn run build
  • publish
    yarn publish


  • ISC