
a npm module which includes the common method of sequence list

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sequence List


NPM version

The seqlist module encapsulates four algorithms: shuffling, topk, lottery, binary search, array elements can be numbers or objects, and the implementation of the algorithm takes into account the impact of time complexity and space complexity on performance.


npm install --save seqlist


let seqlist = require('seqlist');


To run the test suite, first install the dependencies, then run npm test:

git clone git@github.com:Yann-Wang/seqlistjs.git --depth 1
cd SeqList
npm install
npm test


  • shuffle
  • topk
  • draw
  • binarySearch
  • first, get one thrid of the sequence list and use riffle shuffle. Then, use perfect shuffle. At last, get the one third and use perfect shuffle alike.
  • time complexity is O(n), space complexity is O(n).
  • the array to shuffle should be even.
  • when the argument of the method is true, return the original array. Otherwise, return a new array.
let SeqList = require('seqlist');

let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
let seqlist = new SeqList(arr);
let result = seqlist.shuffle();


let arr2 = [{x:1},{x:2}];
let seqlist2 = new SeqList(arr2);
let result2 = seqlist2.shuffle();


let arr3 = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
let seqlist3 = new SeqList(arr3);
let result3 = seqlist3.shuffle(true);

  • use heap sort algorithm.
  • time complexity is O(nlgk), space complexity is O(1).
  • when the state is 'max', return the max top k elements. when the state is 'min', return the min top k elements.
let SeqList = require('seqlist');

let arr = [3,2,1,6,4,8,5,7];
let seqlist = new SeqList(arr);
let result = seqlist.topk(4,'max');


let arr2 = [{x:3},{x:2},{x:1},{x:6},{x:4},{x:8},{x:5},{x:7}];
let seqlist2 = new SeqList(arr2);
let result2 = seqlist2.topk(4,'min','x');

  • use disorder algorithm.
  • draw k numbers from a array randomly.
  • time complexity is O(k), space complexity is O(1).
  • return a array which includes k numbers.
let SeqList = require('seqlist');

let arr = [3,2,1,6,4,8,5,7];
let seqlist = new SeqList(arr);
let result = seqlist.draw(3);


let arr2 = [{x:3},{x:2},{x:1},{x:6},{x:4},{x:8},{x:5},{x:7}];
let seqlist2 = new SeqList(arr2);
let result2 = seqlist2.draw(3);

  • use binary search algorithm.
  • the sequence list should be ordered.
  • time complexity is O(lgn), space complexity is O(1).
  • return a section which includes the left, but doesn't include the right.
 let SeqList = require('seqlist');
 let arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,5,5,8,9];
 let seqlist = new SeqList(arr);
 let result = seqlist.binarySearch(0,arr.length,5);
 let arr2 = [{x:0},{x:1},{x:2},{x:3},{x:4},{x:5},{x:5},{x:5},{x:8},{x:9}];
 let seqlist2 = new SeqList(arr2);
 let result2 = seqlist2.binarySearch(0,arr.length,{x:5},'x');


Tested in Node.js 0.10.0-7.5.0