
Benchmark and analysis of 165 pretrained SSL models. Code for "Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning via Risk Decomposition".

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Evaluating Self-Supervised Learning via Risk Decomposition License: MIT Python 3.8+

This repository contains:

All pretrained models, hyperparameters, results

We release all pretrained weights, hyperparameters, and results on torch.hub, which can be loaded using:

import torch

# loads the desired pretrained model and preprocessing pipeline
name = "dino_rn50" # example
model, preprocessor = torch.hub.load('YannDubs/SSL-Risk-Decomposition:main', name, trust_repo=True)

# gets all available models 
available_names = torch.hub.list('YannDubs/SSL-Risk-Decomposition:main')

# gets all results and hyperparameters as a dataframe 
results_df = torch.hub.load('YannDubs/SSL-Risk-Decomposition:main', "results_df")

The necessary dependencies are:

  • for most models: pip install torch torchvision tqdm timm pandas
  • for all models: pip install torch torchvision tqdm timm dill open_clip_torch git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git
  • timm: for any ViT architecture
  • pandas: for results_df, metadata_df
  • dill: for BYOL
  • open-clip-torch: for OpenCLIP
  • git+https://github.com/openai/CLIP.git: for CLIP

Computing the loss decomposition

Here's a minimal code to compute the loss decomposition.

def compute_risk_components(model_ssl, D_train, D_test, model_sup=None, n_sub=10000, **kwargs):
    """Computes the SSL risk decomposition for `model_ssl` using a given training and testing set.
    If we are given a supervised `model_sup` of the same architecture as model_ssl, we compute the 
    approximation error. Else we merge it with usability error given that approx error is neglectable.
    errors = dict()
    # featurize data to make probing much faster. Optional.
    D_train = featurize_data(model_ssl, D_train)
    D_test = featurize_data(model_ssl, D_test)
    D_comp, D_sub = data_split(D_train, n=n_sub)
    r_A_F = train_eval_probe(D_train, D_train, **kwargs)
    r_A_S = train_eval_probe(D_comp, D_sub, **kwargs)
    r_U_S = train_eval_probe(D_train, D_test, **kwargs)
    if model_sup is not None:
        D_train_sup = featurize_data(model_sup, D_train)
        errors["approx"] = train_eval_probe(D_train_sup, D_train_sup, **kwargs)
        errors["usability"] = r_A_F - errors["approx"]
        errors["usability"] = r_A_F # merges both errors but approx is neglectable
    errors["probe_gen"] = r_A_S - r_A_F
    errors["encoder_gen"] = r_U_S - r_A_S 
    errors["agg_risk"] = r_U_S
    return errors

def featurize_data(model, dataset):
    """Featurize a dataset using the model."""

def train_eval_probe(D_train, D_test, **kwargs):
    """Trains a model (encoder and probe) on D_train and evaluates it on D_test"""

def data_split(dataset, n):
    """Split a dataset into a set of size n and its complement"""

For a minimal notebook computing the loss decomposition and a specific implementations for the above functions see: Minimal training of DISSL.

For the actual code that we used (includes hyperparameter tuning) see: main_fullshot.py

Reproducing results

Steps to reproduce all the paper: 0. Install requirements_running.txt (pip) or environment_running.yml (conda) to compute all risk components.

  1. to recompute all risk components run: scripts/run_all.sh. To recompute specific models the corresponding script in scripts/ with the correct server (see config/server). E.g. scripts/simsiam.sh -s nlprun
  2. to recompute all few shot evaluation run: script_sk/run_all.sh (we use sklearn instead of pytorch for that).
  3. Install requirements_analyzing.txt (pip) or environment_analyzing.yml (conda) to analyze all results.
  4. to reproduce all the analysis and plot from the main_paper run notebooks/main_paper.ipynb
  5. to reproduce all the analysis and plot from the appendices run notebooks/appcs.ipynb


If you have a pretrained model that you would like to add, please open a PR with the following:

  1. In hub/ the files and code to load your model. Then in hubconf.py add a one line function that loads the desired model. The name of that function will be the name of the model in torch.hub. Make sure that you load everything from hub/ using a learning underscore. Follow previous examples.
  2. Add all the hyperparameters and metadata in metadata.yaml. Documentation of every field can be found at the top of that file. Follow previous examples.