
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This page contains the material for the hands-on classes of ULB INFO-F-422.

Getting ready with R notebooks

The use of the notebooks requires to install:

  • Jupyter Notebooks, see installation instructions here. The simplest way is to rely on Anaconda. The jupyter program is in the binfolder of anaconda. Add the folder to your PATH.
  • The IRkernel, see installation instructions here. NB: You may need to restart R after Jupyter installation in order to be able to install IRkernel.

Once installed, clone this repository and start jupyter notebook:

git clone https://github.com/Yannael/info-f-422
cd info-f-422
jupyter notebook


  • Windows: If you have the error 'Failed to create Anaconda menus", try installing from the latest zip archive at https://repo.continuum.io/archive/.winzip.

  • In case of dead kernel, look at the error message in your terminal and see if you have packages missing. Make sure to upgrade to the latest R version.