
A builder for minecraft chat messages

Primary LanguageJava


What is the ChatBuilderLib?

The ChatBuilderLib was developed because I was asking me how I get links or hover effects to the chat. So I searched a lot in the internet and found the Chat-Packet of the minecraft packet protocol. I read it and thought: Wow, that's easy! But I decided to go a step further: How could I translate that difficult packet protocol to classes and makes it easy to use for other developers. Very fast I decided to make it like the StringBuilder of java and ...

here we are!


I think a example should be enough for every developer. All features of this builder they can find in the source or jar ;)

Example chat
Example link

Example code for that is:

ChatBuilder builder = new ChatBuilder();
builder.appendText(ChatColor.YELLOW + "That is my new ");
ChatElement link = builder.appendText("ChatBuilderLib-Plugin");
link.setClickEvent(ChatClickEventAction.OPEN_URL, "https://github.com/Yannici/ChatBuilderLib");
link.setHoverEvent(ChatHoverEventAction.SHOW_TEXT, ChatColor.AQUA + "YEAH!");
// no attributes
builder.appendText("! ");
// one line
builder.appendText("And I love it!")
    .setHoverEvent(ChatHoverEventAction.SHOW_TEXT, ChatColor.GREEN + "SO MUCH!");
// send to player


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That would be nice!